
Teen Victoria

Since his appointment as colonel, Gábor Szarka, the new rector of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts, has been steadily advancing through the ranks: after his position as Ministerial Commissioner, he was responsible for the state industrial parks and then for the campus. from the National University of Civil Service. Although you can hardly find information about him other than his official biography, if the board headed by Attila Vidnyánszky was looking for a loyal official with good government relations for the position, it seems like a perfect choice. At best, due to their journalistic qualifications, some may raise their eyebrows.

There is growing resistance from students and professors to the erosion of the autonomy of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) due to the government’s decision to continue the university as a foundation under Attila Vidnyánszky. More and more world-famous artists are joining the solidarity movement around SZFE, but the Vidnyánszky family is not expanding. You can follow the latest news from the SZFE scandal in our article series.

Gábor Szarka in 2013


Gábor Szarka, the newly appointed rector of the SZFE, wanted to approach the building of the University of Theater and Film Arts on Tuesday, avoiding the students who were guarding it. However, in view of his qualifications, the colonel may have been aware that his otherwise unsuccessful action would not have a very good impact. According to his official CV on the Internet, Szarka is not only a soldier but also a journalist: in addition to his bachelor’s degree in mechanized marksman, he also obtained a higher degree in professional journalist in 1996, although information about the Gyula Krúdy Academy of Journalism cannot be found on the Internet .

According to his biography, Gábor Szarka also earned a law and security policy degree after his military university, and his career really began to improve when he was promoted to colonel in 2010. At that time he also had a taste of politics: Csaba Hende he became the chief of staff of the then Minister of Defense, then its Ministerial Commissioner.

A 2012 interview he gave on the public service channel also revealed that

As a ministerial commissioner, he was tasked with developing a new model of military career and officer training.

Csaba Hende also entrusted him with introducing the high school advocacy program from that year, the success of which is already questionable.

Szarka did not completely distance himself from politics, representing the government in Paris as a military attaché since 2013, and later became the strategic director of the state-owned National Industrial Park Operation and Development Ltd. (NIPÜF). We’ve written more about the government’s initiative linking state industrial parks, and its nonsense, in this article.

The colonel, who has three children and speaks excellent English and French, did not stop here, arriving at the Chancellery from the National University of the Civil Service, where he held the position of Director General of the University Campus for only one year. A video from the NKE revealed that Szarka was particularly proud of the institution’s sports facilities, considering that the “sports university” was the basis of the “sports public service”.

According to available information, the colonel also participated last year in the conference of the Budapest Forum for Christian Communicators, on the opening day of which Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén delivered a speech.

Despite his education, the question remains how his career will help him take over the financial management of the University of Theater and Film. This is the essence of the system introduced by László Palkovics, then Secretary of State for Higher Education, in 2015: the managerial approach in higher education is strengthened, and his appointment is probably supported by the fact that he maintains good relations with the government in the last years.

For the first time, the government nominated Csilla Papp, wife of the secretary of the Vidnyánszky Hungarian Theater Society, for the Performing Arts in 2015, but her person met with fierce resistance. This is how Lajos Vonderviszt, who has just been replaced, got the position and had no theatrical or political attachment. THE According to his information, however, he has developed a partnership with the institution’s directors over the past five years and has taken an interest in education beyond his job duties, attending exam conferences on a regular basis, for example, and mediating between the university and the ministry. The government might also be pleased with him, as his term was extended in 2017 for another three years.

It seems a lot that the board of trustees chaired by Vidnyánszky would like a change, because according to our information, the president of the board told Lajos Vondervisz on Tuesday morning that he was leaving (offering him a mutual agreement) and introduced him to his successor. We know that on Tuesday night, Vondervis and Magpie spoke near the university.

In any case, the SZFE has not laid down its arms yet, as has the new chancellor: the students go on strike for two days, and on Wednesday night there will be a vigil in the University Square, and the retired leadership of the university will say goodbye on Vas street.

Whoever wants to know more about the new Chancellor of the SZFE does not have an easy task. Gábor Szarka not only wanted to go unnoticed by the Performing Arts students (at least this is the students’ interpretation), but so far he has not made a public statement about what happened in the Performing Arts. Officially as of Thursday, Chancellor, you will not make a statement. We are seeking the chairman of the board of directors, Attila Vidnyánszky, to find out why he was deemed suitable for the position, but have not yet received a response.

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The Chancellor of Performing Arts is replaced and a military officer is replaced

Lajos Vonderviszt will be replaced by Gábor Szarka.

The new chancellor wanted to enter the SZFE through the back door
At home

The students do not recognize Gábor Szarka, appointed by the board of directors.