“Estonia 1942” – engraved on his parachute wedding ring that fell in Sülysáp, which now helped him find his family


“Estonia 1942”

– this inscription can be read inside the golden wedding ring, which was found during a summer archaeological excavation on the border of Sülysáp in the county of Pest, in a field II. in the military mass grave of the First World War.

“Estonia 1942”Photo: Tamás Kovács / MTI / MTVA

The ring went to the Museum of Military History, and the institution began to search for “Aesthetics” through social networks. It took 15,000 shares and 1.5 million views for the invitation to reach Eszter Nagy Jolán, a 77-year-old woman from Békés County, daughter of the ring owner, whose parents, István Nagy and Eszter Nagy, married in April. 1942. Researchers found:

István Nagy Endre, the husband, served as a paratrooper during World War II and was killed with his companions in a defensive position in a shootout with the Soviets in November 1944.

Although his card said he was buried in the Isaszeg cemetery, in the end this was not supported by any other document, so historians have no reason to question that the ring of István Endre Nagy is what was found in the mass grave. by Slylysáp.

Colonel Vilmos Kovács, commander of the Institute and Museum of Military History, presents his golden wedding ring to his daughter, Eszter Nagy Jolán, in 1944, when Endre Nagy, a paratrooper who died heroically on the Sülysáp border.Photo: Tamás Kovács / MTI / MTVA

Local history researchers from Slylysá have pointed out the existence of the mass grave to the Institute of Military History and the Museum, Colonel Vilmos Kovács, commander of the Institute and Museum of Military History, explained Wednesday.

when museum staff handed over the golden wedding ring to Eszter Jolán Nagy, the daughter of the fallen soldier.

The elderly woman, according to MTI reports, said her nephew saw the call from the ring. She added that she wanted to bury her father alongside her wife, Esther.

The wedding ring of Eszter Nagy Jolán and her fatherPhoto: Tamás Kovács / MTI / MTVA

During the summer excavation of Sülysáp’s grave with a metal detector, researchers also discovered the remains of two other Hungarian soldiers in the “working system” found from the war, but these could not be identified, so they are buried in Sülysáp, Lieutenant Colonel Roland Maruzs, the leader of the investigation.

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