There is an emergency in Slovakia starting tomorrow –


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After approving the measure, Matovic wrote on his community profile Wednesday that a possible extension of the emergency will be decided in light of the health situation.

Slovakia declared a state of emergency in March, citing the risk of spreading the coronavirus, which is still in effect. A health emergency was also declared a few days after the state of emergency was declared in March, but the latter expired in June, for a maximum of 90 days.

The emergency, which will come into force from October, will be a general emergency that will allow a broader action than a health emergency. According to the Slovak legal system, in case of a situation that directly endangers an emergency, human lives or the environment, the government can declare, during which the state can restrict fundamental human rights as necessary and temporarily .

In the case of an emergency that has been validated several times before, and in the case of an emergency that has now been declared as of October, there is only one higher level of state, the state of emergency. The latter is announced by the head of state at the proposal of parliament, but there has been no example of this in the history of the country.

October, according to Monday’s decision of the central government crisis staff Several epidemiological measures are being reinforced. These include limiting the maximum number of participants in all mass events to fifty people, as well as the number of guests and shoppers in stores and restaurants. Provisions for the use of mouth masks will also be stricter and will be mandatory both indoors and outdoors if a distance of at least two meters between people cannot be maintained.

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