Leaked: the government would double medical salaries


The Portfolio Health conference is coming up. It’s worth applying now!

According to the origo, “the government is inclined to accept the proposals of the chamber.”

Medical salaries will double, there could be a 120 percent salary increase, the newspaper writes.

The portal also recalls that the Medical Chamber has proposed an amendment to the Penal Code to ban gratitude money. The chamber would also criminalize accepting gratitude money and paying gratitude money above a certain amount.

At the beginning of today’s government meeting, the prime minister proposed to the government to put the chamber’s proposal on the agenda.

The newspaper knows that at the government meeting on Wednesday “will also decide on this, based on preliminary opinions, the government is ready to make its own proposal the chamber’s intention to amend the btk.”

Professional organizations and other economic workshops have long pushed for higher health pay increases to improve the supply of human resources in the care system, and the need for this has only been reinforced by the increased risk of leaving the career due to the coronavirus epidemic. Health workers have received half a million unique benefits in the epidemiological situation so far, in relation to which the MOK emphasized at the time that this would not be enough to improve the situation and resolve it permanently. Four months ago, MOK President Gyula Kincses wrote a letter to Viktor Orbán asking the government to share with the medical community as soon as possible to what extent the government plans to increase medical salaries in 2021. Based on the news released just leaked, it seems that the government is also perceiving the seriousness of the situation. With this large-scale wage increase, it could hit two birds with one stone: it will initiate the long-awaited and finally serious wage liquidation in the sector and provide fiscal stimulus to the population through wage liquidation at a time when it is urgently needed to recover from the coronavirus crisis. It is a question of what the 2021 budget can support, which was already approved in summer, and the basic processes of this year have been fundamentally rewritten due to the epidemic and the crisis (greater fall in GDP, prolonged crisis, greater, 7- 8% of this year’s budget deficit, so a larger deficit is expected in 2021). From a budgetary point of view, perhaps the most important question is whether wage settlement is implemented in one step, or gradually, and to what extent.

What does the camera want to achieve?

The MOK last summed up in its letter last week, in response to Viktor Orbán’s article published in Magyar Nemzet, what its health goal is.

“The aim of the Hungarian Medical Chamber is to replace predictable and fair wages with the same level of hourly medical wages as fast food workers as a first step in creating patient-free health care that ensures patient safety. Furthermore, According to the members’ comments, they wrote about a week ago.

By the way, the chamber announced its concept of raising wages in January of this year. In our proposal, therefore, a one-step salary increase has been formulated that allows the abolition of parasolvency, which can save the salary supplement of the gray or black zone. Before that, President Gyula Kincses had already spoken of “achieving a gross medical salary of one million florins.”

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