Mass production of the Russian vaccine has begun, with a two-week school break in Moscow


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Kindergartens will operate according to the above schedule. Sobyanin also suspended access to recreational institutions and further education for children from Monday until two weeks. The Russian Consumer Protection Inspectorate (Roszpotrebnadzor) recommended that Moscow cinemas inspect theaters every quarter of an hour and remove viewers who do not wear masks.

Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murasko announced at a government meeting Tuesday with President Vladimir Putin that

The mass production of the first Russian vaccine developed by the Gamaleja Institute began.

He announced that all regions of Russia and Belarus had received the first trial batches of the vaccine and that more than 5,500 people had already been vaccinated in Moscow. The second Russian vaccine, well developed by the Novosibirsk Vector Research Center, is expected to be registered in three weeks.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed on Monday the first news announced by the South Korean presidential office that Putin was determined to infiltrate. The Russian head of state mentioned this in a telephone conversation with his partner in the South Korean office, Mun Jee Inn.

Peschov said vaccination is necessary to lower the president’s “level of epidemiological protection.” The spokesman promised that the fact of the vaccination would be made public.

In the Russian capital, 23 Covid-19 patients have died last day, the highest number since July 15. In the Russian capital, 5,203 people have lost their lives since the epidemic began. The number of newly diagnosed confirmed infections increased by 2,300, the largest increase since May 31, to 290,293 and the number of recovered by 1,227 to 247,301.

Nationwide, the number of new confirmed coronavirus infections rose by 8,232 to 1,167,805 last day. This is the highest number since June 16, the second day of the increase exceeds eight thousand.

The spread rate on the third day is 0.7 percent, after the previous 0.6 percent. 27.6% of new cases are asymptomatic.

The daily increase exceeded 5,000 at the beginning of September, 6,000 on 19 and 7,000 on 25. Russia ranks fourth in the world in terms of the number of detected coronavirus infections, after the United States (7,149,073) India (6,145,291) and Brazil (4,745,464).

The number of active cases increased from 1,593 to 193,286. The number of fatalities increased from 160 to 20,545 and the number of recovered from 6,479 to 952,399. More than 45.6 million laboratory tests have been performed in the country since the outbreak began, and about 255,000 have been performed in the last day. More than 219,000 people are under medical surveillance on suspicion of coronavirus infection.

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova told a government meeting on Tuesday that 2.7 percent of those infected become seriously ill. According to the Russian Ministry of Health, 89 percent of the 129,750 beds suitable for the care of Covid-19 patients are occupied, but the stock can be expanded if necessary. At the beginning of the outbreak, there were only 50,000 hospital beds in Russia that could provide professional treatment for patients with new coronavirus.

At a meeting on Monday, President Vladimir Putin repeatedly called on the population to adhere to health standards. Agasi Tavadjan, a statistician and modeling expert at the Moscow Institute of Economic Research, told the RIA Novosti news agency on Tuesday that the epidemic is expected to peak next week in the best-case scenario, two to three weeks. at the most, and mid-November in the worst case.

According to Tavadjan

There is no point in introducing a strict quarantine because 80 percent of people cannot be enforced.

Natalya Psenychnaya, deputy director of the Rospotrebnadzor Central Institute for Epidemiological Research, told Interfax predicted a peak in early November. Vyacheslav Vologyin, Speaker of the Lower House of the Russian Parliament, said 18 deputies were being treated in hospital with Covid-19 and another 60 had already survived the infection.

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