Index – Foreign – Mass production of Russian vaccine has started


In Moscow, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin on Tuesday ordered a two-week recess in primary and secondary schools to slow the spread of the new coronavirus epidemic. In addition, access to the institutions of complementary education and leisure for children was suspended for two weeks from Monday.

The Consumer Protection Inspectorate recommended that Moscow cinemas inspect theaters every quarter of an hour and remove spectators who are not wearing masks, the telegraph office reported.

Meanwhile, Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murasko announced that mass production of a Russian vaccine developed by the Gamaleja Institute has begun.

In the Russian capital, 23 Covid-19 patients have died last day, the highest number since July 15. More than 5,200 people have died in Moscow since the epidemic began and more than 20,000 throughout Russia.

Nationally, the number of new coronavirus infections has exceeded 8,000 for the second day in a row. More than 219,000 people are under medical surveillance on suspicion of coronavirus infection. Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova told a government meeting on Tuesday that 2.7 percent of those infected will be in serious condition.
