According to Sándor Pintér, 73 percent of people trust the police


People are satisfied with the performance of the police, Interior Minister Sándor Pintér said at Tuesday’s meeting of the Parliament’s Committee on National Defense and Law Enforcement.

They measure population satisfaction in various ways, through municipalities, schools, and school work communities, but last year a population survey was conducted and they received a response that 73 percent of people trust the police, quotes MTI Pint, who spoke at their annual hearing. about all this.

With this result, the police are ahead of the prosecution, the court, but even Parliament, he added.

The number of known crimes last year fell to 160,000, representing a decrease of 26,000 compared to 2018 and 62 percent compared to 2010, the minister said, adding that public security in Hungary is getting stronger.

People are more irritated by public crime. Last year, the number of public crimes was 52,393, which is 4,000 less than the previous year. The number of property violations decreased to 25,000 and Sándor Pintér expressed the hope that this will decrease further this year.

Although the effectiveness of the research has dropped from 68% to 66%, it is still 20% higher than in 2010, he said.

In the penitentiary center, saturation used to be 120 percent and, although it did not decrease last year, this year occupancy fell from 95 to 96 percent. The number of absences, suicides and disciplinary infractions has also decreased.

The “situation of international migration” required the restructuring of the old immigration office, transforming it into a law enforcement agency and creating the National Directorate General for Immigration. The number of workers remained at 1,016, but about half of them became professionals. Last year, 150,000 migration requests were judged and complex in-depth inspections were carried out to curb illegal migration.

Speaking of disaster management, he stressed that there is a significant increase in the number of accidents, firefighters have retired 79,900 times due to fires and technical rescues. This shows that the civic discipline they want to improve in 2020 has been relaxed.

The number of voluntary fire brigade associations has increased. Among the disaster management activities in 2019, he also highlighted waste transportation, chimney sweep and mosquito repellent.

At the meeting, Lajos Kósa, chairman of the Fidesz commission, asked if it was worth considering prioritizing fines over economic crimes in the case of economic crimes. In response, Sándor Pintér said that in countries where they have switched to this, the average number of these crimes is higher than in Hungary.

Ágnes Vadai (DK) asked about the career model and how they want the career to be attractive. According to Sándor Pintér, there was a serious shortage of staff and fewer applicants in 2019, but in 2020 more people applied, mainly for the execution of sentences. He anticipated the question about the career model: the reward of 500,000 is planned to be paid every three years. He also confirmed at the request of the MP that his criminal prison in Töölö would be moved to Berettyóújfalu, but this did not mean that the Tököly area would be abandoned.

Responding to a question from Mónika Bartos (Fidesz), he emphasized that “morally injured” are the criminals who falsify and market products that are offered as if they were effective against the coronavirus. The Minister requested the establishment of severe penal sanctions in this regard.

Asked by Tamás Harangozó (MSZP): the infection does not affect the performance of the service, 24 confirmed infected people were found in the personnel of professional bodies, the army and health workers on Tuesday, 933 people have been infected so far , 916 infection. He also spoke about the fact that the Kiskunhalas epidemic hospital was taken over by the Kiskunhalas hospital, which is currently being winterized.

Asked by László Lukács (Jobbik) whether it would not be more appropriate to act against illegal immigration with an independent border guard, the minister said that it is convenient that the border police belong to the police;

The size of the epidemic is determined by where and how fast the virus spreads. If citizens follow the rules, the epidemic will be less, the government will be able to provide the necessary methods and tools for defense – said Sándor Pintér.
