Lessons of Mohács 5 – News TV


1., The opposition’s negative campaign did not work

This place was of considerable value to the opposition, since it was thought that if it managed to gain a real competitive position against the ruling left-wing mayoral candidate or achieved a very close result, it could have a positive impact on the future of all cooperation opponent. The former press interest of Ferenc Csorbai’s father-in-law, former party director and MSZP treasurer, László Puch, Népszava, was not averse to The article dealing with this was also taken up by Hírklikk, who is also close to the Socialists. With a complaint in this case, Ferenc Csorbai supported and tried to make up for last year’s anemic performance and his current campaign. This negative campaign strategy failed as a result of yesterday’s results, as the ruling party candidates won a major victory.

2. Two-thirds pro-government success in terms of mandate ratios

The high spirits are characterized by the fact that half an hour before the polls close, 53.36 percent of 15,335 voters cast their votes. In contrast, at 100 percent processing, the turnout was 38.92 percent last year, 30.84 percent in 2014, and 33.82 percent in 2010. József Szekó led the settlement for twenty-one years and the development of the city was reflected in the electoral results it achieved and in the fact that this increase was recognized regardless of political affiliation. An obvious example of this attitude is that in 2002 the MSZP also invited its own candidate to the then municipal elections. Candidates for mayor now received a total of 8,342 votes, while in 2014 only 4,841 votes were cast for then constituents. In view of this, it is not worth comparing the number of votes cast for different candidates, and due to the pandemic and the events of last year in Mohács, this election took place in a rather turbulent environment. Along with the mayor, a total of eight official politicians have joined the twelve-member panel, representing a two-thirds victory in proportion to the mandate.

3. High turnout (again) is not favorable for the opposition and the opposition coalition is not a panacea

On the Baliberal side, they like to claim that building high turnout and joint cooperation in elections guarantees them almost automatic success. Already in the 2018 parliamentary elections, the logic (i gap) was decisive for them, that the greater the turnout, the greater the chances of victory for the opposition. In 2014, Fidesz-KDNP won two-thirds with a participation rate of almost 62 percent, and then in 2018 it was repeated with a participation of 69 percent. The concept of cooperation of the opposition is basically a bleeding mechanism and quite vulnerable (see: Göd, Szolnok), but in Mohács such a semi-finished product was offered to the citizens, since Momentum did not officially support Ferenc Csorbai, but not named a candidate. It also shows that the opposition is unable to fully organize its own political community, as there are always various grievances. The high turnout did not help the opposition in Mohács either, since in vain almost 25 percent more people voted now than in 2014, defeating the left-wing politician, who was starting for the third time, by a decisive difference of more than 15 percentage points. . Despite attempts by opposition politicians and journalists to elevate Mohács’s election to the level of national politics, they were unsuccessful because they could not achieve a satisfactory result on their own.

4., Political opportunism is not rewarded by voters

Last year, on September 9, 2019, the deadline for the nomination of candidates for the municipal elections of 2019 expired. In this sense, when the incumbent mayor József Szekó passed away at the end of September 2019, there was only one actor left political in the palette, and that was referring to the person of Ferenc Csorbai, who still started with the colors of the MSZP. His rejection is characterized by the fact that he obtained a total of 1,867 votes, but Mohács voters cast 4,076 null votes. From this, it became clear that the opposition, the left-wing mayoral candidate, was not supported, nor was he liked by the majority of the city’s voters even then. On July 6, 2020, the representative body was dissolved in Mohács. The then mayor no longer wanted to run under the MSZP logo, so in 2019 the method already used in Pécs was applied, according to which the opposition candidate officially starts under the auspices of a civil umbrella organization, but the parties still support it. In Mohács, this organization was called Generation Wants Generation (VAN), led by József Szigeti, whom Ferenc Csorbai wanted to appoint as deputy mayor, but failed in the resistance of the organization. In addition to the leftist aspirant, all the opposition “heavy artillery” marched, such as Ágnes Kunhalmi, co-chair of the MSZP, but also Péter Jakab, the president of Jobbik, who had previously attacked László Puch and now wanted to keep his son-in-law, marching in Mohács. He is the president of a party that has strengthened towards the parliamentary threshold under the socialist government, but the joint cooperation of recent years shows that there is no rule or principle in the opposition space other than the importance of winning power. In Mohács, voters have not rewarded the policy of focusing on opposition behavior and looting over the past year.

5. However, hard, long-term and productive work pays off

The policy itself should really be about visions and not about soulless, constructive energy engineering constructions that can only be viable for hours. József Szekó, who took over the city administration with a deficit of HUF 300 million, and then left for posterity due to his tragic death, which was implemented a development worth HUF 25 billion, for example, was established and developed an Industrial Park. Around 2018-2019, 48 development programs were executed, however, the city administration before 2019 not only built the city in terms of material, but also promoted it on the front lines of intellectual and cultural life. As a result, the bus tour, which defines the traditions of Mohács, became part of the world’s intellectual heritage in 2009. Gábor Pávkovics and his team received the trust and authority to continue József Szekó’s journey for two decades. For the opposition, the loss of the Battle of Mohács means that the result of a negative and contentless campaign can only be a failure.

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