According to the Interior Minister, Chairman of the National Crisis Staff, the declaration of some kind of emergency should also be considered.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, although the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

In the Czech Republic, Health Minister Roman Prymula will propose a declaration of a state of emergency to the government. The politician said in a statement Monday that this is the only way to curb the growing coronavirus epidemic.

We definitely have to do that. We don’t have much of a chance without it. I think I will do it at the next government meeting.

Prymula said to Internet news portal. The next cabinet meeting will take place next Monday.

During the first wave, the Czech government declared a state of emergency on March 12, which lasted until May 17 after several extensions. According to current regulations, the government declares a state of emergency for up to 30 days, but must immediately notify the House of Representatives of its decision, which confirms or repeals it.

Interior Minister Jan Hamacek, president of the national crisis team, also said on Sunday’s vitamin show on public service television that some kind of emergency should be considered because there could be problems in providing the necessary medical personnel.

The Health Minister already indicated last Friday that a further tightening of precautionary measures is expected this week. It is mainly about restricting mounting. In another statement on Sunday, it said it would restrict participation in leisure activities to a maximum of 20 people in a few days. Details are not yet known.

In the Czech Republic, the number of new coronavirus infections has increased by 2-3,000 per day since mid-September, according to By Sunday, the number of active cases was 32,000. The number of severe cases requiring hospitalization for coronavirus infection rose rapidly during the death toll on September 23, with the virus claiming 24 victims that day. To date, there have been a total of 615 deaths in the country due to Covid-19 infection.

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The number of daily illnesses in the Czech Republic exceeds two thousand


On Saturday, laboratories in the Czech Republic detected 2,046 new coronavirus infections, the highest number of weekends per day since the outbreak, according to a report published on the website of the Ministry of Health on Sunday morning.

Czech Republic and Slovakia target each other for coronavirus


Andrej Babis fears that the restrictions imposed in Slovakia affect tourists due to the high number of infected people in the Czech Republic.