Index – Technology-Science – Researchers have found traces of a planet outside the galaxy


Until now, we had to wait to find evidence for a planet outside the Milky Way from Earth. American and Chinese researchers were the first to find traces of an extragalactic, that is, a planet outside this galaxy. If the existence of the extragalactic planet indicated in its study uploaded to the arXiv server, the online repository of scientific works, is verified, the planet will be called M51-ULS-1b, reported the telegraph office.

We have been able to observe how exoplanets move from Earth

This is the first time such observations have been made using non-space telescopes.

The candidate planet is in the spiral galaxy Messier 51, approximately 23 million light-years from Earth. M51 is relatively close to the constellation Big Bear. The researchers discovered the object, detecting a possible planetary transit that lasted about three hours. Experts say their results suggest that the planetary candidate may be roughly the size of Saturn.

(Cover image: galaxy M51. Photo: NASA)
