The Minister of Justice finds Vera Jurová’s criticism of Orbán offensive to all Hungarians.

According to the vice president of the European Commission, Viktor Orbán is building a sick democracy: Vera Jourová a Spiegelnek In a given interview, he said that he feared that the Hungarian public would one day realize that the last elections were the last that could still be called free.

Jurová again launched an open attack against Hungary

– described the criticism of the Prime Minister as an attack on the country by the community by Judit Varga. The Minister of Justice continues: the Vice President of the EC “offended all Hungarians.”

He also claims that Jurová’s statement “goes against European values ​​and demands for loyal cooperation.”

Vice President Jourová must resign with immediate effect!

Varga watches. He believes that his statements are inconsistent with his position as vice president. He also said this on Monday at the Salzburg European Forum, adds the minister, which was broadcast live by the ORF.

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This is a proposal from the EU Presidency, but it would not tie payments so strictly to the rule of law.

The proposal to protect the EU budget will be discussed for the first time by representatives of member states on Wednesday.

EC Vice President on the rule of law:


In the EP session on the Polish rule of law, Vera Jourová spoke in favor of linking the EU budget to the criteria of the rule of law. According to Fidesz, there is an ideological struggle.