The man said his ex-partner could not have disclosed his name or personal information.

She started a privacy lawsuit against Bernadett Russia, which her ex-boyfriend filed against her.

The woman posted a post on the social network last November claiming she had been brutally abused by the man. Her ex-partner sued because the woman revealed her name and personal data, for which she demands 5 million HUF, reported RTL Klub Híradó. wrote that Bernadett Orosz filed a petition to dismiss the lawsuit, and also filed a lawsuit against the man because the abuser violated his life, physical integrity, and health-related privacy rights. It demands 7.8 million HUF from the man for violations and 2.2 million for damages.

According to the RTL Klub report, in front of the court building, the Women’s Association expressed its support for Bernadett Orosz with a demonstration.

As we reported last November, Buják’s wife was brutally beaten by her boyfriend, breaking his nose, crushing his head and body with his fists, and strangling her as well. The woman said it was not the first time that she had been abused by a man whom she had already tried to leave, but had not dared to go to the police before.

The Pásztó Police Headquarters initiated the arrest of the man in the prosecutor’s office, and the Ministry of Defense announced that the man, who was a reserve soldier, had been discharged.

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According to the medical expert, Bernadett Russia's injuries were not life-threatening
Life + Style

The forensic medical expert did not personally examine Miskolc’s wife, Bernadette Orosz, who was beaten in Buják, the expert opinion prepared on her case was only based on the outpatient documents and final reports prepared earlier, Index writes.

Bernadett Russia must be brought to justice first as her alleged abuser
At home

Several indicated that they would be present at the woman’s trial to protest the process.