Trump’s secret and another war


The coronavirus and the fight against it. The situation at home and in the world.

Have a nice Monday morning! It is autumn.

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Forever 2020

They also shoot at houses.Photo: Ibrahim Hashimov / Sputnik via AFP

If anything was missing this year, it was a dramatic outbreak of an armed conflict that had been raging for decades. But this is exactly what happened on Sunday morning: rockets from the Azerbaijani army slammed into Stepanakert, the capital of Nagorno-Karabakh, which de facto belongs to Armenia but was also felt by Azerbaijan. In the southern Caucasus, Stalin deliberately drew the borders between the then Soviet republics so that only Moscow could keep the peace, and since the two countries were independent, clashes of greater or lesser intensity have occurred.

Péter Magyari’s analysis reveals that this is definitely more than the fighting in recent years, so not many heavy weapons are used, columns of Azerbaijani tanks left for Karabakh and the area was also shot down by helicopter gunships. The Azerbaijani government has made it clear that their ultimate goal is to take back Nagorno-Karabakh, perhaps encouraging that the Turkish government allied with them has clearly defended them. In the regional game, Armenians have traditionally enlisted Moscow’s help, but from a country that was too pro-Western in power after street protests in the country in 2018, it has become less clear. If there is really going to be a more serious war, that, coupled with the fact that their armies are richer and better equipped, could tip the language of the balance in favor of the Azeris. But maybe there is still a way back.

Death and taxes

It was hinted that the US presidential campaign would have big runs, and also that no matter how he hid it, Donald Trump’s tax returns would sooner or later go public. Here’s what: The New York Times, Hungarian time, dropped the atom Sunday night and dumped the whole thing. Although, as the American newspaper emphasizes, it is important to mention that these documents do not necessarily present the truth, but what Trump was trying to assert to the tax office.

In any case, it now turns out that in 2016, when he was elected president, Trump paid an income tax of $ 750 (seven hundred and fifty) and then the same in the first year of his presidency. In 10 of the 15 tax years before them, you didn’t pay any income taxes, basically citing business losses. You might guess so far that Trump, contrary to what he claims to be, is not a successful businessman, but now we know in black and white that despite his years of making hundreds of millions of dollars, he invested them in unprofitable businesses and then use them for tax evasion.

Hungarian elections

Several by-elections were held on Sunday. The final result was 48-48 in Kemenesképolna, Vas county, so that they can return to the polls. In Karcag, the Fidesz candidate won 90 percent of the vote, although only the Labor Party came out against him. The result in Mohács is a bit more interesting, where, according to the paper form, Gábor Pávkovics, also from Fidesz, won with 56 percent of the vote, and the ruling party will have a majority in the House of Representatives, but not as crushing as you might expect.

There were also municipal elections in Romania on Sunday. From the Hungarian point of view, the most interesting result is that Târgu Mureş will once again have a Hungarian mayor in the person of Zoltán Soós after 20 years, after the Romanian votes were divided among several candidates.

Prime minister’s weekend

Viktor Orbán had a particularly strong Sunday. In the morning in Becsehely, Zala County, he claimed that the free beer brewing proved that the idea of ​​durable things is not only born in Budapest. In the evening, although it is not clear exactly when the interview took place, he answered questions from Gábor Gönczi on TV2 in Facts. It couldn’t have been an easy task, sometimes as if the prime minister got bored of being given high balls by a fanatic in love. Bezzeg when in 2006 he washed the floor in the same channel with András Sváby.

However, Reuters published Orbán’s really interesting interview on Friday. Not to mention that the Prime Minister said on the issue of the problems of the Hungarian rule of law that “just blah blah blahNor did the news agency’s journalists leave without question when Orbán explained that he did not think Hungary was more corrupt than Austria, Germany or Denmark. Well, it only turned out the next day that his childhood gas mechanic friend was building a hotel in Croatia for 18 billion guilders, but perhaps the fairy tale enrichment of his other acquaintances and relatives could have been mentioned.


In Minsk, again, the events took place over the weekend on the usual stage. On Saturday, the women protested, even though they knew that the slave cars were waiting for them, and on Sunday, despite the police fired tear gas, tens of thousands marched against Lukashenko again. What is new, however, is that even the state television show mocked the self-crowned dictator. Too:


We wrote more over the weekend that mighty India, still a prime example in the spring, is now heading for the biggest coronavirus disaster, and that the fastest coronavirus vaccine may not be the best. Additionally:

Everything you need to know about 444

We see that even the most loyal 444 readers have questions about our operations, our daily lives, our plans. In conversation with them, we have compiled the most common questions that arise about us, in order to answer them, not only for him, but also for our newest readers. Will 444 be paid? Why not more videos? Who should I write to when I see a hit in an article? Now everything finally works out.


There have been few smaller stories in recent weeks that the Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood was dragged to the brink of vengeance by the vengeful power. The MET’s social and educational institutions, led by Gábor Iványi, have accumulated HUF 30 and 100 million in public service debts in Budapest since 2010.

His financial troubles began when the government withdrew his recognized MET ecclesiastical title, which he had acquired in 1981, and as a result, public funds for church social work also declined. The stalemate is now highlighted by organized civil action to prevent the shutdown of public services. The video report by Zsófi Szász and Eszter Neuberger shows not only the current situation, but also the valuable work carried out by these institutions. By the way, Mazsihisz announced over the weekend that he would support Iványi with 1 million HUF. If all the churches were so supportive, problems would be solved quickly.

3 weekend stories you might have missed

Photo: Philippe Turpin / Photononstop via AFP

Until then, okay, we’ll take out the plastic bag, but what will happen instead? – A series of disposable plastics will be banned from next July. Breakdown alternatives are coming, although many say that the permanent abandonment of disposable devices is the real solution.

The fun world of the old internet is evoked by a Fidesz activist with his amazing little animated videos: short animations, percussion music, meat cutting messages. An overwhelmed movie made for Facebook by an Orbán fan.

They met at Stork’s Nest restaurant because they wanted to put a man in his place after his death; In his Dani Ács video library series, Gyula Gazdag excavated a film about the communist republic of Békés Vésztő, which separated from Hungary for four months and then declared war on Gyula.

Sports monday

Something quite surprising happened over the weekend in the big three leagues:

  • In England, Manchester City served 2: 5 from Leicester at home. Pep Guardiola has directed 686 games so far and has never managed five. At home, he didn’t even kick a hat-trick like Jamie Vardy. And the the cutest he didn’t even kick it.
  • In Italy, the aggastyans played the main role. Cristiano kicked two for Roma, but better still was Ribéry, 126, who still happens like this.
  • In Spain, however, the hero, still only 17 years old, was Ansu Fati, who scored two goals in 20 minutes and did not become his youngest Spanish hat-trick of all time because Messi took the penalty. But the prettiest scene of the Barcelona game is still Judge Coutinho volt.

The only thing that happened at home was that Sándor Torghelle retired, and MIhály Muszbek entered Orbán football politics with a pair of legs in such a way that there would be a red card and multi-party sanction.

A movie we didn’t shoot

Dirt Wave # 1 – What kind of documentary can you make about a band that has only experienced a few concerts and no movies have survived? Thanks to Partizan, it has turned out very good now. The first part of the series, which deals with the early years of Hungarian punk, presents the history of Spions, the ensemble without which Hungarian music would have developed quite differently over the last forty years, especially its underground alternative. But let’s not get lost in those details: check out this movie for anyone interested in the era and / or art of Kádár.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see

