The MSZP cannot support the departure of Judas László Bíró


Speaking to Origo, László Kovács, former president of the MSZP, affirmed that his party did not It should support the Borsod candidate, who became known for his anti-Semitic left-wing protests. The former influential politician of the Socialists justified it on the grounds that the person of László Bíró was unacceptable and the whole affair was detrimental to the judgment of his party. Another former leftist opinion voiced extremely harsh criticism of the left’s unprincipled policy.

“I condemn all forms of anti-Semitism, whether overt or covert. I cannot identify with such statements.” he said László Kovács at our request.

“Damage to the judgment of the MSZP”

The former socialist president also referred to his own party and his political responsibilities in relation to the Judge case: he considers that no such candidate should be behind.

In my opinion, the MSZP should not support the departure of László Bíró

said one of the best-known politicians of the Socialists. Her words are also surprising because, among her leftist politicians, her party partner, Ágnes Kunhalmi, was the first to defend the Jewish candidate. In addition to attending the politician Jobbik’s campaign event in Tiszaújváros, the new MSZP co-chair also posted a video message of support. In it he said that “Our candidate, our common candidate, is called László Bíró.”

During the conversation, László Kovács referred to the turbulent finances of Bíró’s old business. As is known, several seamstresses, assuming their name and their face, claimed that the candidate of the left in Borsod had not paid their salary and then, after speaking out about it, they threatened them. “Unclear circumstances regarding the candidate’s finances, such as anti-Semitic demonstrations, make it unacceptable and detrimental to the MSZP’s trial.” – evaluated the events of an influential former politician of the Socialist Party.

Ferenc Gyurcsány, president of the Democratic Coalition (DK) (b) and László Kovács, former president of the MSZP, will shake hands after the 16th anniversary speech of the president of DK at the Sofitel Hotel in Budapest on February 9, 2020.Source: MTI / Tamás Kovács

Nonsense, loss of identity

There are successive harsher criticisms from the left about the left unity front formed around the anti-Semitic candidate. Last time András Schiffer, the founding member and former president of the LMP gave his opinion on the matter. The nomination of László Bíró, who made visceral anti-Semitic statements a year or two ago, shows the lack of principles of the entire left. “ he said.

Speaking to Origó, historian András Gerő affirmed that the left should stop cooperating with Jobbik because “That’s a lot, you shouldn’t take it anymore.” The head of the Habsburg Historical Institute believesIn the long run, this alliance is clearly detrimental to the parties of the left, as they could easily lose their identity.

Additionally, several left-wing opinion formers attacked the left over the judge’s throw, including Tamás Gáspár Miklós philosopher, Zoltán Somogyi political analyst, and Balázs Böcskei also a political scientist.

“Capital of the Jewish usury bank”, “lice”, “Judapest”

As is known, in the Tiszaújváros-Szerencs by-elections, the candidates for the Dialogue, the MSZP, the DK, the Momentum and the LMP Judge László has made anti-Semitic comments on several occasions in the past.

Despite the national scandal and criticism from left-wing intellectuals, the left has not backed down behind the anti-Semitic candidate. In fact, In Ágnes Kunhalmi outside Péter Márki-Zay, Mayor of Hódmezővásárhely, András Fekete-Győr, President of Momentum, and Gergely Christmas the mayor also spoke out openly in favor of the politician slipping into Judah.
