They marched from Heroes’ Square to the university on Vas Street, which was under a barricade.

There is growing resistance from students and professors to the reduction of the autonomy of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) due to the government’s decision to continue the university as a foundation under Attila Vidnyánszky. More and more world-famous artists are joining the solidarity movement around SZFE, but the Vidnyánszky family is not expanding. You can follow the latest news from the SZFE scandal in our article series.

The barricade of the University of Theater and Film Arts has been going on for 27 days and since then its followers have taken to the streets by the thousands every weekend. On Sunday, a giant puppet parade was held on the initiative of students from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts.

Thousands of people participated in the demonstration, the protesters marched from Heroes’ Square to the SZFE, playing Oktogon, Deák Ferenc tér and Astoria. At the beginning of the demonstration, a teacher from the institution said that the objective of the event was to achieve the power to understand the desire for freedom of the students. The march carried a puppet destined for the new university tutor, who was also ceremoniously knighted at the end of the demonstration.

The entire procession was accompanied by musicians, and some of the SZFE students led the puppet with a flag march.

Gábor Iványi was on duty on Vas Street, he was greeted with applause by the crowd, and at the end of his watch several people celebrated with a song of thanks. There were also well-known rhymes, such as “autonomy” and the cry of “a free country, a free university” that has been heard several times since the CEU demonstrations.

The University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts was occupied on September 1 by its students, who demanded the departure of the new board of trustees of the university, chaired by Attila Vidnyánszky. His teachers’ strike could begin on October 1, according to the board of directors illegally.

On the part of the maintainer, Tamás Lajos affirmed that he already has a new place for education and will have new teachers. On the students’ side, Panni Szurdi wrote to on Saturday that they did not attempt to consult with them in any way. Students took their demands to Parliament on a live broadcast on September 6, and another 155 copies were sent out on September 20 in a bicycle parade.

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