Index – National – Lajos Ócsai: not only the pandemic is dangerous, but also doctors skeptical about viruses


According to international statistics, the mortality rate of two percent is very high, which also proves that the coronavirus is dangerous, according to the former head of ÁNTSZ’s epidemiology department. Lajos Ócsai told Origó:

their views on viral skeptics, especially viral skeptics, are overwhelming.

According to the epidemiologist, these people are a great threat that risks human lives. Added by:

skeptics announce that if you are healthy, there can be nothing wrong. Well, that is not the case at all.

“We have seen many healthy young people in a very serious condition due to a coronavirus infection,” he said. On the other hand, it is very dangerous to say that whoever is healthy beats the virus, and whoever is not, has no luck.

It would be nice to know who has a strong immune system. But we don’t know.

The expert added.

The Hungarian Medical Chamber strongly opposed the virus skeptics conference

As a result of the good epidemic situation, the mask-wearing situation in Hungary has deteriorated greatly and according to the MOK, the conference can only make this worse.

Lajos Ócsai emphasized that government measures are effective, although it may seem to people that this is not visible due to the growing number of infected. However, if it were not mandatory to wear the mask indoors, and if attention was not drawn to disinfection or distance, the problem would be much greater.
