Wladr Sndor remained president of the Hungarian Association


With 178 votes in favor, 1 abstention and 1 vote against, Wladr Sndor remained president of the Hungarian Association, the official said on Sunday. The president says it out loud, Petrov Ivan has not been on the list either.

A total of 186 members appeared to the officer, and Ivn Petrov would have needed 50 people plus one vote, or 94 people, to be on the list. With only 63 votes, it was decided that Wladr Sndor would remain president in the future.

At the end of August, the presidency of the Hungarian Confederation decided to regain the trust and maintain the authority of its member organizations until 2025, although the mandate of the General Staff would have lasted until 2022. as well as the organization of national world competitions – among others – nso .hu.

In the past Cromo, Wladr Sndor, the leader of the alliance, has not been able to hear any negative nuance in the ranks of the sport, so it has been clear for some days that he is the only one who wins the majority of the votes of the organizations members.

Wladr Sndor remained presidentSource: Koncz Mrton

However, shortly before the end of the hatrid, Petrn Ivn, the head coach of the Gyri sz Sports Association, registered for the presidency. From that moment on, he started a campaign; They both told the show on the cheese, but of course it was for the outside only, and they had a much more important task: persuading member organizations to vote for them.

“In the extraordinary situation, it can only be agreed with the announced intentions that the presidency will now receive a new long-term mandate for the two-and-a-half-year Olympic preparations, the World Cup in Budapest and the 2024 World Championships. They guarantee uninterruption. from work ”- he emphasized in the pre-agenda speech.

Then the general meeting continued for a long time, and after two or two years we got until the member organizations were able to vote on the nomination in relation to the nominations, and the vote was decided here, as Petrov Ivn received 65 votes, Wladr Sndor 134 votes, or only the latter was added to the list of signs.

The General Assembly elected Wladr Sndor President of the Hungarian Confederation by 178 votes in favor, 1 abstention and 1 abstention.
