According to Orbán, the free pale kitchen has shown that the idea of ​​durable things is not only born in Budapest


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“While the country is undergoing a major transformation, the idea of ​​durable things is not only born in Budapest, one of whose school examples is the possibility of creating free brandy beer,” Viktor Orbán said Sunday in Becsehely, Zala County.

According to the MTI, the head of government spoke at a ceremony celebrating the tenth anniversary of the production of free brandy in Hungary that the idea was born in the countryside in 2010, when “with a two-thirds constitutional revolution we gave ourselves the opportunity to change everything we think is convenient or necessary “.

The September 2010 parliamentary announcement included “great things” from bank tax to multis taxation, and the possibility of creating a free brandy brew was raised in this 29-point program by Zsolt V. Németh, Prime Minister said. .

While Pálinka cuisine was also included in the primary school framework curriculum, Orbán did not do as much good for Hungarian Pálinka itself with the war for independence as we showed in our video made last year.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see

