The politician cited a recent OECD study on what is good for government; He has not talked about what is not.

Among OECD countries, spending on education rose one of the largest in Hungary, Bence Rétvári, vice chairman of the Christian Democratic People’s Party, told the MTI on Sunday. Bence Rétvári recalled that this month the OECD’s annual education report, “Education at a Glance” 2020, was published, which presents educational data from these countries.

The analysis also covers the development of budget expenditures on education, which increased by an average of 1.3 percent per year in OECD countries between 2012 and 2017. In Hungary, this proportion was more than three times higher than the average for the OECD, that is, 4 percent, said the vice president of KDNP.

All this is beautiful, but Rétvári missed one important thing: in Hungary, the state still spends very little on education. The same material shows, for example, that the amount of $ 7,800 per purchasing power parity (including private equity) per student’s total education (general to tertiary) is well below the OECD and EU average of over $ 11,000 (the organization has 23 EU countries). member, the average applies to them in this case), in addition to the fact that the number of students decreased. And you also forgot that spending relative to GDP is also well below average – 3.9 percent based on the report’s 2017 data, compared to the OECD average of 4.9 percent and the EU average of 4.5 percent.

The politician also did not speak about the fact that proportionally less money comes from the education budget, and we also miss the OECD study’s statement that Hungarian teacher salaries are 30-40 percent lower than those of other graduates. This also qualifies Rétvári’s statement that, while there are 12 children per teacher in Hungary, the average in OECD countries is 14 children.

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