Boris Johnson: the coronavirus has hit international relations


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Nine months after the start of the pandemic, “the very concept of the international community is made of fragments. We must never again have 193 separate campaigns against the same enemy,” he said, referring to the UN member states.

Johnson has outlined a plan for how another pandemic could be prevented, and a global network of zoonotic research laboratories that could identify dangerous pathogens before they spread from animals to humans will play a key role in this. He called on countries around the world to establish a global epidemic forecasting system by sharing their information, and asked them not to introduce restrictions on the export of staple foods, as several countries did at the beginning of the epidemic.

The British Prime Minister has announced that his country will contribute 500 million pounds to the COVAX funding fund created by the World Health Organization (WHO), which will give the 92 poorest countries in the world rapid and equitable access to vaccines against the coronavirus if available.

It has also announced that Britain will increase its contribution to the WHO budget by 30 percent to £ 340 million over the next four years.

He called on world leaders to recognize that “the alarm bell sounded even before the epidemic broke out and to learn from this experience.” “Faced with almost a million dead and the colossal economic damage they will suffer, which will be followed by others, it is humanity’s moral duty to finally be honest and reach a common conclusion about the origin of the pandemic, how it spread, but not because it wants blame any country or government, or to get good points for me, but because I believe that I, as one who has also suffered from the disease, have a right and we all have the right to know this, and then together we can do everything possible to avoid a recurrence of the epidemic, ”he said.

The AP news agency noted that Johnson is trying to refute the notion that Britain is withdrawing from the world stage or will become a more protectionist country by leaving the European Union.

The prime minister said it makes no sense for countries to compete over which one develops a vaccine first, and it is immoral to gain an advantage in this based on secret scientific results.
