Index – National – Cecília Müller: The rules are necessary so that there are no more restrictions


The rules introduced to protect against the coronavirus epidemic are necessary to avoid the need for new restrictions, the national medical director told public media on Saturday, also drawing attention to the fact that the epidemic is characterized by community spread. after the operational staff meeting.

You can see that community spread is already typical, said Cecília Müller, calling it a basic rule that people should go anywhere in good health. She asked the elderly to take care of themselves, to avoid crowded places. If they buy early, they have already done a lot for their own benefit ”, Cecília Müller pointed out, adding

the rules are necessary so that no further restrictions need to be imposed. We really want to avoid austerity

– He stated, emphasizing that, of course, everyone wants to live their usual life, but at the same time, of course, “there is a procedure, there are plans for different cases.”

The national medical director said that spending a lot of time outdoors is recommended during a pandemic and that playing sports is good. At the same time, he also said that due to the deterioration of the weather, people are more and more trapped in tight spaces, so the use of the mask should be taken seriously.

On weekends, more people can go to the movies, disco, shopping. When a distance of one and a half meters cannot be maintained, the use of a mask is important, which is required by law in many places.

He said, adding that no one can know if he is a carrier of the virus asymptomatically, so it is important to follow precautions. He stressed the importance of caring for people at high risk of developing a serious or even fatal infection.

According to data on Saturday, the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in nine hundred and fifty new Hungarian citizens, thus increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 23,077. Twelve patients died, bringing the number of deaths from coronavirus to 730. The 12 deaths are the peak of the day in the second wave, one of the victims being a 47-year-old man.
