Russian, Chinese and Vietnamese hackers attacked Hungarian financial institutions


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On Thursday afternoon, Magyar Telekom detected and repelled a cyberattack of unprecedented scale and intensity of overload (DDOS), writes, referring to the company’s announcement. The multi-wave series of attacks reached Hungary via various foreign servers, mainly from Russia, China and Vietnam,

the targets were primarily financial institutions.

The attack size was ten times larger than the average number of hacker attacks using similar methods, making it one of the largest home attack series of all time in terms of size and complexity, says Telekom, whose systems are attacked daily. they would perceive anything from it.

This time, the service was interrupted for a short time in a certain area of ​​Budapest, Telekom experts blocked the intrusion attempts until 5pm, and the services of all the institutions involved continued to operate uninterrupted thereafter.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

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