Introducing the Hungarian super laboratory, where coronavirus is also investigated


The recently established National Virology Laboratory is responsible for the detection, identification and testing of communicable diseases, new pathogens that pose a serious health and social risk, and for the establishment of an international education and training center. The scientific workshop, initiated by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM), will bring together Hungarian knowledge centers, which can become internationally recognized scientific centers that provide answers to important and global challenges. Under the leadership of the University of Pécs (PTE), two national laboratories will start operating, the inauguration of which took place on the afternoon of September 25.

New pathogens are detected and identified

The development of the National Virology Laboratory is justified by the worldwide spread and threat of infectious diseases, which represent a serious social and health risk.

The aim of the recently established scientific workshop in Pécs is to detect and identify new pathogens, to characterize integral virological and molecular biology,

and the complex testing of the so-called risk groups 3 and 4 viruses under laboratory conditions and the establishment of a national and international education and training center.

Ferenc Jakab: “One of the main directions of our research is the development of effective ways to control viral infections”Source: PTE / Szabolcs Csortos

Since we are involved in a very specific field of research, the European network of laboratories plays a key role in the fight against communicable diseases. – said at the inauguration on Friday Prof. dr. Ferenc Jakab is a virologist, professional director of the János Szentágothai Research Center at the University of Pécs and of the newly created National Laboratory of Virology.

In Hungary, the University of Pécs has the only complex virological research laboratory of its kind, which was established to carry out purely research and not epidemiological tasks.

Prof. Dr. Ferenc Jakab also added that the professionals working here aimed to achieve outstanding and internationally recognized scientific results, but the unique laboratory unit can also be a major attraction for researchers who want to return home from abroad.

The buzzword: zoonoses

One of the highest level virology laboratories in the country is assuming an important role in the fight against the new coronavirus epidemic. Among other things, this is the basis of the national project that has just been launched.
The main research area of ​​the Virology Research Group is the study of the so-called viral zoonoses from animals to humans. – noted Prof. dr. Jakab Ferenc. – It is not a coincidence that zoonosis is one of the most important words for infectious diseases today, as scientific research shows that about 60 percent of human diseases are of animal origin.

Several active ingredients are currently being tested in Hungarian research laboratories.Source: MTI / Tamás Sóki

Furthermore, the number of studies of this type has increased significantly internationally, as the appearance of new diseases has become more frequent, which, according to experts, may be mainly due to the combined effect of environmental and human factors. Therefore, the tests require a very high level of professional competence and an adequate laboratory infrastructure.As highlighted at the inauguration, the importance of establishing a National Virology Laboratory was highlighted by the coronavirus epidemic. The scientific center represents a national collaboration trying to bring together the outstanding virological research that is still being carried out in Hungary.

Its center was established at the János Szentágothai Research Center of the University of Pécs.

They look for solutions to various reproductive disorders.

The National Human Reproduction Laboratory was also established in the county town of Baranya, on the basis of the University of Pécs, the creation of which was justified by the significant reproductive disorder experienced in Hungarian society. In Hungary, the number of couples with all infertility problems reaches 15% of couples, ie about 150,000 couples have infertility problems every year.

Gábor L. Kovács, laboratory specialist, neuroendocrinologist, full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, president of the János Szentágothai Research Center of the University of Pécs, professor, in one of the laboratories of the research center, that this year was awarded the Széchenyi PrizeSource: MTI / Tamás Sóki

We seek a solution to this complex problem with innovative multidisciplinary medical tools – explained at the inauguration on Friday dr. Academic Gábor L. Kovács, professional head of the National Human Reproduction Laboratory. – We are now committed to contributing to the growth of successful infertility treatments through cutting-edge research, developing new research programs, and sharing our knowledge nationally and internationally.

The research profile of the new national laboratory covers the area of ​​preconception, as well as during and after conception.

Dr. Gábor L. Kovács also revealed some details about this at Friday’s press conference:

  • In Hungary, the possibilities of uterus transplantation and ovary transplantation are created in a unique way,
  • study biomarkers of ovarian aging,
  • epigenetic research continues,
  • the time zone of uterine fertility is estimated,
  • we want to better understand the molecular communication between the fetus and the mother,
  • fetal diagnoses are made from maternal blood,
  • and a national breeding registry.

The expert emphasized that to increase the effectiveness of successful infertility treatment, including assisted reproductive treatments, and to create demographic stability, extensive integrated clinical research and development in the field of human reproduction is essential, supported by an infrastructure of Vanguard.

The multifaceted research on various reproductive disorders at the University of Pécs dates back many years: in recent years, several high-quality scientific publications and five patents have been issued in this field.
