The perpetrator gave an astonishing explanation at trial.

A court in the city of Leystadt in the Netherlands sentenced a French man to six years in prison for raping a 98-year-old woman, local press wrote on Friday.

The 35-year-old offender, who has a fairly long criminal record, called the old woman one night in May and then walked through the cracked door. First he demanded money from his victim, then he abused and committed multiple violence against the woman who was unable to defend herself.

At the man’s trial, he testified that the woman did not object. The court extended the five-year prison sentence proposed by the prosecution for one year because it considered aggravating that the perpetrator had committed the “shocking” crime on a vulnerable person.

The elderly woman needs treatment for the trauma she has suffered.

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He also tried to defend himself with a gas spray and a kitchen knife in his own home, but to no avail. The attacker confessed his actions to the police, but gave no explanation.

The rapists were executed in India


Seven years ago, the crime caused national outrage.