Coronavirus: Mortality may increase at home from the beginning of October


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Yesterday, the Portfolio published a spectacular picture from the Hungarian epidemiological research group on the number of infections in the first and second waves by age groups, and it was clear that the virus had already made its way into the older age group and, therefore more vulnerable in the second wave. This phenomenon took place in the summer in California, as well as in Spain and France, according to which the epidemic, which initially spread more among the young, unfortunately spread to the elderly and mortality increased by 4-5 weeks.

From this previous situation it is clear from what Népszava wrote today, according to which the material in the possession of the epidemiological team of the ITM contains a prediction that deaths caused by the virus are expected to increase in early October. Unfortunately, this is due to the fact that in the foreign examples mentioned, it took 4-5 weeks for the growing epidemic among the young to finally lead to an increase in deaths among the elderly and, if you think about it, the forecast for early October is that he jumped home at the end of August. the spread of the epidemic.

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