Index – Economy – Due to bureaucracy, it seems impossible to keep up with the spread of the virus


  • Many people complain that testing is problematic
  • Still no problem with testability, but still can be done
  • Due to red tape, the average delivery time is four to five days.
  • Management can no longer keep up with events.

A sporting event was almost in jeopardy in early September because the main organizer of the event turned out to be in contact with a person infected with a coronavirus. The situation was saved by the fact that documents and reports were lost, so the spore was only notified after the race that it had to be quarantined as a result of a decision six days before.

If it weren’t for the evil, it could have been organized from home.

The line could continue indefinitely through the office of the general practitioner in Buda, where hundreds of calls are run a day about suspected coronavirus, to the family, where it was quite difficult to test the contacts after finding a family member who produced a positive test. The investigation was only successful as they live in one home, but two separate ambulances reached the two family members to conduct the investigation. A family member informed our newspaper in detail that the ambulance took almost ten days to arrive for the examination and that the first infected person identified was no longer showing any symptoms before the machinery was started.

According to the report, one of the reasons for the disorganization is that

In ambulance service, examination forms sent and printed by GPs are used only, orders are not electronically recorded or aggregated, so even if one indicates by phone that several examinations can be performed at the same time , the papers are not found, perhaps in the archives.

Testing capacity

It is clear from the complaints and case descriptions that testability is not yet the problem in the system. In principle, it is constantly increasing. In total, state laboratories perform more than 12,000 tests daily, this is in the central registry, so slightly less than half is done in ambulances. The rest are made by hospitals and other institutions.

According to OMSZ’s own statement, it is found in the mud. So far, more than 80 in-house teams and 60 units issued by patient carriers are taking samples. This is pretty much the top of the line, it is no longer possible to test many more cars and personnel, there are simply other tasks that need to be done. The guard was able to perform 3-4,000 tests per day, while OMSZ reported arriving within 24 hours. Then he either joined or not. Today, however, this period has also been extended, going from 24 to 48 hours being the time zone that they are promised to arrive at, whether or not they comply.

As the Pál Győrfi spokesperson told the index,

Epidemiological sampling is not an emergency intervention, since the patient is cared for and treated based on complaints, symptoms, and current health status.

In addition to ambulances and ambulances, there are 27 static sampling points in the country, and another 17 points of this type will be established. If the ambulance cannot go to the patient, the GP can also direct those to be examined to these points. These are not open places, that is, you cannot go in and ask for the test, people and contacts are directed here in the same way. (The test in these is as free as if the ambulance left).

If we add the numbers, it turns out that with 3-4 thousand ambulance landings, a significant capacity can reach the sampling points, in total we estimate that more than ten thousand per day, that is, in principle the testing capacity could well exceed 15 or even 20 thousand tests per day. In comparison, slippage, data sheet loss, double disembarkation are continuous and increasingly common.


The main problem may be much more the administration. Missing data sheets, errors suggest that the system is not uniform, it is not automatic, it does not work reliably. According to the updated procedure as of September 21, there are two days from the detection of a symptom to the registration of the case; It may arrive earlier, but this is the prescribed administrative deadline.

This is because the GP must report cases within 24 hours. According to a report published on the National Public Health Center system, a government official will create a suspected case of illness within 24 hours. Then you will see that there is work to be done. So it’s two days. The story still depends on how the cases are: they have already entered the system with a positive test or simply as a suspected or suspected infected case.

In the latter cases, it is necessary to request evidence. This is requested by the family doctor at OMSZ, or the authority can order it if they are in contact, although this is not usual in practice, so the family doctor can also ask the family member to take the test. When OMSZ receives the list of people to be tested, ambulances can disembark in 24 to 48 hours from there. That is, the two lists and the two records are separate, and who knows when they will meet again.

And it’s only after that that ambulances are printed

Your GP cannot quarantine you

From the rather cumbersome wording of the procedure, it could be read that the so-called suspicious cases, where there is a symptom but there is no close contact or other circumstance that gives reason for caution, can be quarantined by the GP. As the operating staff reported to the index, this is out of the question. The procedure has not changed, which means that the GP must proceed in the same way as before. So much has changed that in suspected cases requesting a test is justified, and in others it is mandatory. In any case, those involved must be separated, practically sent home. GPs almost certainly won’t risk finding a suspicious case, and yet they won’t ask for a test. Official quarantine can only be ordered by the epidemiological authority after a positive test result or in the case of returnees from abroad.

they receive the list on paper and the number of times the same address or street appears on that list. So Lutri, when they get to the test subject. And only then will it be discussed how long it will take to evaluate the test in the laboratory and when the result will be communicated to stakeholders and the authority. This is how you can combine more than one week of administration without any interruption.
