“Both the defeat and the goal difference are a shame


On Thursday’s day of women’s handball NB I on Thursday, the Boglár Academy directed by Alba Fehérvár, who scored 34-24 goals for one goal during the break. After the match, Székesfehérvár coach Deli Rita called both the defeat and the goal difference as shameful.

Rita Deli called the loss the goal difference shameful (Photo: Antal Kricskovics / Fejér County Newspaper, file)


ALBA FEHÉRVÁR KC 3. 4–24 (17-16)
Balatonboglár, 200 viewer. V: Bona, Földesi
BALATONBOGLÁR: Magera – Kukucska two, Monori, Faragó L. one, FARKAS J. 6 (1), MLINKO 6, LET’S GO M. 6. To exchange: GERCSÓ, Szabó Luca (goalkeepers), KAJDON 6, Koronczai 6 (3), KOCSIS B. one, Vajer, Woth. Coach: ifj. Szilárd kiss
WHITE CASTLE: Pijevic – Szabó-Májer two, Upset 3, Bardi 3, Triscsuk 6 (3), themes one, Szarka A. 4. To exchange: Dányi (goalkeeper), Utasi two, Vashchuk two, Potter one, Boldizsár, Gerháth K., Háfra L., Varga E. Coach: Deli rita
Development of the result. 4 min: 2–2. 8. p.: 4-6. 13. p.: 8–8. 16. p.: 10–9. 21. p.: 12-12. 24. p.: 15-13. 35. p.: 19-18. 39. p.: 20-21. 50. p.: 27-23. 56. p.: 31-23
Exhibitions: 2 resp., 8 min
Seven meters: 5/4, illustration, 4/3
ifj. Szilárd kiss: – The difference is excessive, but we are happy with the success. In the first half, two teams of the same level played each other, then in the second half we defended well and also did well in goal. The children were working ants, crashing, working. We do not want to stop, neither in victories nor in defeats.
Deli Rita: – The Hungarians played very well, so we attended quite a bit. We should have shown that we can turn the game we have implemented so far into points, because it would have been a mandatory win for us. We have surpassed ourselves in every way, both the defeat and the goal difference are shameful.

DKKA – DVSC 23–24
Siófok – Győr ETO 21-30
Szombathely – FTC – postponed
Érd – MTK 28–33
Békéscsaba – Vác – postponed
Kisvárda – Mosonmagyaróvár 21-22

1. Siófok 6 5 one 202-144 +58 10
2. Mosonmagyaróvár 6 5 one 164-166 -two 10
3. Győr 4 4 141–80 +61 8
4. Debrecen 6 4 two 167-147 +20 8
5. FTC 3 3 98–56 +42 6
6. Carry 5 3 two 135-135 0 6
7. MTK 4 two two 122–120 +2 4
8. Boglár-SZISE Academy 6 two 4 173-176 -3 4
9. Dunaújváros 5 two 3 123-137 –14 4
10. Kisvárda 4 one 3 88–101 –13 two
11. Érd 5 one 4 126-157 –31 two
12. Szombathely 5 one 4 126-164 –38 two
13. Fehérvár 6 one 5 149-193 –44 two
14. Békéscsaba 3 3 64-102 –38 0
