Coronavirus: a big problem also in Hungary, the European Epidemiology has issued a warning


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According to a new risk assessment by the European Epidemic Surveillance Agency, this group of countries has a “higher rate of serious cases and hospital admissions”, accompanied by an “increase in mortality rates already observed or expected in the future”.

Concerns about the seven countries stem from the fact that the increase in the number of infected people affects many older people, while in other European countries the number of cases is increasing, especially among young adults and consequently the elderly. they have less risk.

According to the Stockholm-based organization, the latter characterizes the United Kingdom and the other twelve EU member states (France, Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Belgium, Sweden).

In recent days, however, most of these countries also appear to be “approaching the criteria for the category of greatest concern,” according to the ECDC.

In the rest of the countries, the situation is currently stable, with low risk for the population as a whole and moderate risk for those at risk. These are Germany, Italy, Poland, Finland, Greece, Cyprus, Lithuania and Norway outside the EU.

The ECDC noted that “the vulnerability of the population remains high in the European Union, and prevalence data (the proportion of people suffering from the disease in the total population) suggests that the level of immunity of the population is below 15 % in most regions of the EU and the UK “.

“Most people can still get infected,” said ECDC Director Andrea Ammon in an online press conference with Stella Kiriakidis, EU health commissioner.

In Spain and in many other countries, too, “we found that the majority of those infected today are infected in private gatherings, large family dinners, meetings with family and friends,” said the director. Andrea Ammon, however, rejected the general closure of shops, restaurants and bars. “It depends on how the basic rules of physical absence can be guaranteed in the given institutions,” he said.

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