Coronavirus in Hungary: Thursday’s report has arrived


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The new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in 750 new Hungarian citizens, thus increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 21,200. There were 7 chronically elderly patients who died, bringing the number of deaths to 709 and 4,818 have already recovered. The number of actively infected people is 15,673. 39% of the actively infected, 56% of the dead and 39% of those recovered are from Budapest. 549 patients with coronavirus are treated in a hospital, 32 of them with a ventilator – summarizes

It is worth noting that in recent days, the number of new cases per day no longer reflects the spread of the infection, but rather shows that we have reached the limit of testing capabilities. This is because you have to wait much longer than before for tests and their results, so the detection of those infected has been slowed down.

The number of deaths has also increased in recent days, which is not surprising given that the total number of infections is increasing dynamically. According to recent data, 7 infected people died in one day.

Although the portal writes that 7 elderly and chronic patients have died in relation to the coronavirus, looking behind the data we also find a 40-year-old death victim:

The good news is that the upward trend in the number of people treated at the hospital has been broken, indicating that cases that have been there for a while are beginning to recover. However, the decrease in the number of people retained on the ventilator is not so clear, as we know that many people never return from the machine.

In the last day, the country has carried out about 12,000 coronavirus tests, which is in line with the trend of the recent period. At the same time, it indicates that we still do very little testing compared to the case numbers. However, we are no longer able to test because the country has reached a capacity limit. In other words, the number of new cases per day no longer indicates the spread of the virus, but rather the capacity limitation. The 7-day moving average of the new samples is around 11,000.

In addition to the almost 12,000 tests, the positivity rate also improved compared to yesterday, compared to 7% yesterday, today it was 6.3%. So our detection rate has improved in the last two days, but two days is too little to draw a conclusion from this. If the positive test rate were to improve further in the coming days, it would mean that the Hungarian epidemic would be more successful in detecting disease and our picture of the epidemic would be increasingly realistic, but again, no such statement can be made in two days.

Most of the patients were found again in Budapest, 223, followed by Pest county with 112 new infections. There are 74 new patients in Csongrád-Csanád county, 51 in Győr-Moson-Sopron and 40 in Békés. In the other counties, the number of new infections was less than 30 and in no county the number was less than 10.

Cover image: Getty Images
