Vodafone promises to combine the predictability of a prepaid card with greater freedom of communication by renewing its prepaid portfolio. Users can also request 500GB of mobile internet and unlimited calls, the company said.

Vodafone introduced its card package called Tuti four years ago, the most important feature of which has been the HUF 19 per minute and SMS rate ever since. And a year and a half ago, Tuti + Net arrived with a large amount of data accumulated as a lottery prize.

From now on, in the case of Tuti + Net, basic packages of 1/3/5 GB can be chosen by default, for 30 days at the price of 1190/1990/2490 HUF. If you need more mobile Internet than the basic package in a month, you can request a supplement for 30 days: 1/3/5/10/500 GB, for 1290/2190/2590/4490/7990 forints.

Vodafone also thought of those who need unlimited conversation like a prepaid card: you can request an unlimited telephone period of three days for HUF 900, one week for a rate of HUF 1,890 and a 30-day voicemail for HUF 6,990.

Vodafone has completely redesigned its range of home dj packages a month and a half ago, you can read it here. And in the spring, European unlimited arrived in the mobile red rate packages.

If you ever want to know about similar things, check out the Facebook page in the HVG Tech section.

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