Several have been quarantined at home so that those who live with them at the same address can move freely.


Many people are in official home quarantine in Pécs without forcing their relatives to stay at home, ATV Híradó learned.

Elizabeth the Great, The Pécs administrator of the Democratic Union of Teachers (PDSZ) spoke about one of his students who announced that one of his relatives was in quarantine at home, but had not even been tested, so he did not know if he was infected, but the rest of the family could go to work. to school.

According to the ATV, the problem is not unique. A Pécs health worker who asked for his name to be withheld was also infected and, although he remains in quarantine, those who live in a home with him are able to continue their daily lives.

We made signs to schools, kindergartens, family doctors, and within two days ANTSZ called us, and the lady asked us who, how, where, where we lived and we said that we lived at the same address as the infected person. Then she said that it is fine, the infected person stays at home in quarantine, we can go to work, to school, to kindergarten in the same way.

He explained.

Featured Image: MTI / György Varga
