Coronavirus: Germany classified Győr-Moson-Sopron county as a risk area


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The risk classification means that those arriving in Germany from said area must undergo home quarantine, notify the local health office and undergo a coronavirus test within 72 hours.

In the event of a negative finding, the health office can order the quarantine to be lifted.

As of October 1, the quarantine can be lifted at the earliest after the fifth day in the event of a negative finding.

So far, only Budapest of Hungary has been included in the official list of risk areas.

Several regions and cities were added to the updated list on Wednesday night, such as almost the entire territory of the Czech Republic and Covasna County in southeastern Transylvania, Romania.

The risk classification is jointly decided by the Robert Koch National Institute of Public Health (RKI), the Federal Ministry of Health, the State Department and the Department of the Interior. In the first stage of the analysis prior to the decision Examine where there are regions (larger administrative units or entire countries) where the number of SARS-Cov-2 infections per 100,000 inhabitants has exceeded fifty in the last seven days., or areas where the number of infected still does not exceed the limit, but other conditions indicate an increased risk of infection.

In the second phase of pre-decision consideration, local efforts to suppress the epidemic are analyzed to examine, among other things, the testing capacity and the number of coronavirus tests performed.

The risk classification also implies that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues a travel warning., in which it strongly discourages German citizens from visiting the region if not absolutely necessary.

The list was opened on June 15, at the same time that the general travel warning issued by the epidemic was revoked. Initially, it included all the countries of the world except the partner countries of the European Union, the non-EU Schengen countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland) and the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, it has been supplemented by a number of regions in Europe, such as the ten administrative regions of France and the three provinces of the Netherlands. However, there are countries and regions that are no longer on the list due to the improvement of the epidemic situation. Some examples are Cuba, Sri Lanka, and several Romanian counties.

Cover image: Shutterstock
