The Polish government also does not consider Lukashenko a legitimate president


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Alexander Lukashenko, who was recreated on Wednesday, is not considered a legal president, the Polish government said in a post posted on Twitter by the Foreign Ministry. According to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, a new democratic presidential election is needed.

It is about what the Hungarian government will do next, since so far Péter Szijjártó and Viktor Orbán have also stated that the Hungarian government supports the Polish position on the Belarus issue. Hungary was notably passive in the trial of Lukashenko, who was still praised in the summer.

The Polish prime minister is more determined than that, he said.

“a president not democratically elected” cannot be considered legal, “regardless of whether his inauguration is secret or public”

The non-public insert “only shows that Lukashenko was aware of what he did when he falsified the election result,” Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki later wrote on Facebook, calling the official violence against Belarus unacceptable.

According to Morawiecki, the condition for the sovereignty of Belarus is free choice. An undemocratic election cannot lead to anyone being considered president, he wrote. Added that

Poland will “constantly support” measures to help those persecuted in Belarus and to organize a new election, this time democratic.The Polish government is conditioning the launch of a new free and fair vote on the launch of a project called the “new Marshall Plan” to support the Belarusian economy, worth approximately one billion euros, which Morawiecki, on behalf of the Visegrad Group ( V4), – and wants to present it at the summit next week.

In addition to the Polish government, five European governments – German, Slovak, Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian – have so far indicated that they do not consider Lukashenko the legitimate president of Belarus. (MTI)

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see

