Index – Abroad – Facebook is ready to leave Europe


A ruling by the European Union Court of Justice in July overturned a decision that allowed companies to transfer European user data to the United States. Proceedings were then brought before the Supreme Court of Ireland to prevent Facebook from processing the personal data of European users on its American servers. This is because the federal states of the United States are not as involved in the use of data as the member states of the EU. According to the Irish Data Protection Commission, the CPS, it is appropriate to keep data in the EU.

The Guardian writes that Facebook’s chief data protection officer, Yvonne Cunnane, responded by saying that she is ready to shut down Facebook and Instagram in Europe entirely if new regulations make it impossible to transfer data from EU countries to the United States.

It is not clear how services such as Facebook or Instagram could continue to operate in the EU.

The new regulation puts more than 400 million people at risk of accessing free social networks. However, it is difficult to imagine that Mark Zuckerberg would actually give up on a market of this size, since by offering the service for free on Facebook and his own Instagram, he would gain access to a number of valuable data that could also be used for marketing purposes. .

Users annoyed by this business model have so far preferred to use competing services such as Telegram, which are open source and traceable.
