Index – Domestic – Kecskemét Picture Film: Townspeople would deny its existence, the mayor would deny its existence


Picture film is not very attractive from a tourist point of view, but it is much more fun. Unless you are in Kecskemét, because then most of the time you ask yourself to reserve your city as a cheap flea market.

The stated aim of the production was to present “the atmosphere, diversity and images of Kecskemét life to Hungarian stakeholders, and draw attention to the fact that our city awaits its guests with affordable services,” it reads in the municipal announcement. This resulted in the impression on the film of images that:

Come to Kecskemét! Why? Because it is colorful and affordable!

Anyone who still doubts the charm of Kecskemét can convince themselves with the following motto:

Gastro, rest, Kecskemét!

With this, the message of the picture film, which Discover English Kecskemét, was sold out! the title was given.

It’s customary for marketers to use a triple structure to make the message as understandable as possible, but in the case of the short film, this only added to the ire of the people at Kecskemét, because they think the creators have no idea of ​​the values ​​of the city. A local portal,, has collected the most interesting opinions on the cinematographic image, of which the following comments are the most revealing:


Among the locals, the inscription “Locsi, pocsi, pancsi” seen in the movie anyway cut the wick further.

After the people of Kecskemét took the picture at ease (for example, by making even an elementary school medium professional with more skill and love, and simply unworthy of Zoltán Kodály’s hometown), the local government also stepped in and removed the video from his official YouTube channel. Additionally, Mayor Klaudia Szemerey Pataki denied its existence to the city council. She defended herself saying that the production was not an image film, but only a short film promoting the local tourism sector and its actors, a “last minute” video made for a tourist target audience.

The mayor accused the opposition of calling the production a picture film, but this statement is contradicted by the fact that the municipal press first wrote a herald. The Kecskemét Television report even states that they want to reach 100,000 people a day with the commercial.

It’s hard to say how much the video available since August 14 has stimulated local tourism. When asked how much the campaign cost, Valentina Takács, communication manager for the municipality of Kecskemét, responded to the Index:

The short film was made with social cooperation and the campaign did not cost the municipality money.

We were also curious to what extent the social cohesion campaign had lived up to his expectations, to which he replied:

We will receive a briefing on the data, the campaign ended yesterday.
