The EU has surrendered, there will be no mandatory quota


The European Commission wants a kind of flexible solidarity.

In brussels Ursula von der Leyen presented the new migratory pact. The president of the European Commission said that the responsibility of the member states, solidarity and the fulfillment of humanitarian obligations are at the center of the proposal. The system as a whole would strike a balance between a fair division of responsibilities and solidarity.

This is key to restoring trust between member states and in the EU’s ability to manage migration, the MTI said. The proposal calls for joint management and better strategic planning to coordinate EU and national policies and strengthen mutual trust.

Regarding the challenge of migration, the European Commission proposes a flexible cooperation system between Member States due to different situations in Member States and changes in migratory pressures.

According to Euronews, the Orbán government may consider it a success that the quota for the mandatory distribution of refugees has been exhausted. The new proposal would relieve major host countries by speeding up asylum procedures. A new element is that the investigation of asylum seekers and the verification of their identity would start outside the borders of the EU.

The second pillar of the plan is the question of solidarity between the Member States. In the previous migration package, this would have mainly meant a mandatory distribution of asylum seekers according to quotas, but Hungary and Poland did not. The flexible solidarity proposed by the committee may mean the reception of refugees, but Member States may also choose to assist the return of non-asylum seekers. This will be done entirely voluntarily.

The EU would intensify cooperation with third countries. This pillar has worked so far, and Turkey is holding the refugees for financial assistance from the EU. It also wants to improve cooperation in the readmission of non-EU countries that do not receive refugee status. The EU would strengthen border agencies and launch a special program for the legal employment of talented workers in the EU.

Featured Image: MTI / EPA POOL / Stephanie Lecocq
