Index – National – Cecília Müller does not recommend the wedding dance


The coronavirus epidemic is in an ascending phase in Hungary, Cecília Müller told the online press conference of the operational press on Wednesday. The national medical director presented the daily data, according to which the number of coronavirus patients in Hungary increased by 951, bringing the number of infected in Hungary to more than 20,000.

Eight chronic patients died, the youngest patient was 48 years old and the oldest was 69 years old. Cecília Müller emphasized that the fact that deceased patients had previously suffered from a chronic disease (mainly cardiovascular disease, cancer, metabolism) is still known.

Cecília Müller said that there are a thousand patients a day for about a week. For this reason, she once again called attention to compliance with the basic rules that are fundamental to protect our health. He asked that anyone who notices any respiratory symptoms in himself not enter the community at all, this also applies to children. He detailed the importance of wearing masks and asked that we not only wear masks in life situations defined by law. Like queuing, elevator, taxi, waiting rooms, house of our loved ones.

He also specifically mentioned that whoever goes to a wedding should avoid the bridal dance. As you said,

A nice white cotton wedding glove is recommended.

Speaking about the rules for the proper use of the mask, Cecília Müller asked everyone to change the mask after coughing and sneezing. She added that Miklós Kásler, the Minister of Human Resources, had yesterday discussed the current epidemiological measure with the directors of the hospitals through a video link. The head of the ministry continued to ask those responsible for the institutions for a disciplined defense, since the virus is no longer present in the hotspots, but we are talking about community spread.

Cecília Müller highlighted that the occupation of hospital beds is currently 53 percent. Currently, coronavirus patients are admitted to the South-Pest Hospital, St. John Hospital and Korányi in Budapest. Regional central hospitals were also defined outside the borders of Budapest. Cecília Müller emphasized that the most important objective is to concentrate those infected with the virus in one place, so that they remain “clean hospitals.”

(Cover image: Cecília Müller. Photo: screenshot / Government of Hungary / Facebook)
