According to the president of the medical chamber, planned surgeries should be stopped where people infected with coronavirus are treated


The second phase of the epidemic came after a very peaceful first phase, which gave the population an excessive sense of security, so it is important to draw attention: you also have to prepare for a large number of cases. Not only the population, but also health, “he said. Gyula kincses in the ATV Start program. The president of the Hungarian Medical Chamber said that since they do not know exactly how much work to expect, they want to prepare for the additional work in an additional way.

He also mentioned details of the treasure, in his opinion

In institutions where people infected with coronavirus are cared for, planned surgeries must be stopped, thus reducing the risk of infection and also the burden on workers.

Above all, however, he considers it important that the government also inform the profession of the exact details of the announced “war plan”.

I understand that the war plan is generally not revealed, but if the virus finds out how we will defend ourselves, it will not attack otherwise.

He said.

Kincses agrees that from now on, GPs can also classify patients as infected with a coronavirus without testing them, because he believes it is up to doctors to give an opinion based on certain symptoms. And the function of the test is precisely to help decide the cases in question. However, he said there will be very few cases where the Covid infection can be detected with absolute certainty without testing.

However, when it is clear, why wait for the test result?

Said the president.

The MOK responded in a statement Tuesday Viktor Orban written by the Prime Minister in Magyar Nemzet. While they write

the Hungarian Medical Chamber welcomes the fact that the settlement of the old debt of Hungarian society, the problem of unduly low medical salaries, has been reached. He is confident that the Prime Minister’s promise will apply to all physicians working in publicly funded care and will allow a fair increase in income for GPs and dentists working as primary care entrepreneurs.

Furthermore, they consider it important for the Prime Minister to speak not only about wage increases, but also about the long-awaited reform of the care system.

featured image: Bielik István /
