Free parking and terraces, generous discounts for those in V4 countries and the countryside. Among other things, this is included in the five-point package of proposals that, according to the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry, should help the capital provide local hospitality that has been in trouble due to the epidemic.

In a letter to Mayor Gergely Karácsony, Elek Nagy, president of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK), proposed the introduction of a series of generous discounts to help the capital’s catering and tourism companies located in a difficult situation due to epidemic.

In order to reduce expenses, they would reduce or eliminate rents for properties owned by the capital rather than the capital, eliminate fees for use of public space, free up parking spaces for terraces, while waiving parking fees for Guests, would support deck wintering, deck wintering, ozone depletion, and business hand sanitizers.

In the name of increased consumption, the vouchers would be distributed to Budapest residents, rural residents, foreign tourists from V4 countries and even Hungarians across the border on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Trianon, for the consumption in restaurants and accommodation, which could encourage consumption in restaurants and filming. According to them, the capital should bear the cost of the coronavirus tests required for the entry of tourists, and even partly the remuneration of tour guides, and the rural ones would support the epidemic-proof Volán flights.

Half of the amount spent on accommodation by arriving guests would be returned as virtual money, from which the entrance to the spas maintained by the capital or the public transport rates would be paid, and the Budapest Card would be issued practically free of charge.

In addition, they say, the capital could support the retraining of unemployed waiters to become couriers or buy scooters. According to them, Budapest could even support the renovation of vacant accommodation and restaurants during the crisis, which could also help the construction industry.

The fifth point provides for the creation of a “Budapest economic website with all the information necessary for the daily operation of the capital’s business”.

The Budapest opposition leadership is being encouraged not only by the BKIK, but also by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and various members of the government to help the people of the capital with their own resources, while he (and other municipalities ) significant resources were withdrawn in the spring. According to Orbán, Budapest still has one hundred billion free-use guilders, but the mayor indicated that they are actually 150 billion less.

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Catering revenue decreased by HUF 230 billion

Due to the coronavirus epidemic, catering companies have been able to register 230 billion HUF less in revenue in the last four months than last year.