According to the Secretary of State, his words should not be construed as a threat.

The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spoke about the alleged list of professional trips of Hungarian journalists abroad. Tamás Menczer is the ATV Direct chat He said the information came from a leaked document and then added:

It seems that the chancellor has not yet fired enough people, documents are still leaking ”. The secretary of state said he did not intend this to be a threat.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs formerly a Telex He said that the information collected was necessary to do everything possible “against foreign interference in Hungary’s internal affairs, such experience has generally shown that Soros’ organizations are behind.”

This was also emphasized by Menczer in the interview. He says they don’t include journalists. He, in turn, said that he saw in public data that

Some Soros organizations, such as Transparency International, organize awareness courses. Professional travel. So I don’t run there. Several embassies in Budapest are also listed here as collaborating partners.

And then we looked at it … I was just curious because my job at the Foreign Ministry was to deal with political issues, and I consider it a political issue that György Soros finances media courses for left-wing journalists. “

József Magyar, Undersecretary of State for the Development of European Relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (KKM), wrote a letter to Hungarian embassies in EU member states in June this year to find out if host countries they had organized professional visits, training and study tours for Hungarian journalists. Later he asked her what Telex They contacted the press department of the Ministry of the Environment, then Tamás Menczer and Péter Szijjártó, but then neither of them responded.

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Bernadett Szél sues the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Budapest-Belgrade railway line
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According to the independent deputy, the wishes of the Communist Party of China were more important to Péter Szijjártó than the Hungarian taxpayers.

According to the chairman of the Fidesz Foreign Affairs Committee, Hungary must show solidarity with the Belarusian people

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According to Zsolt Németh, “what happened to the Belarusians” provoked the outrage of the international community in a well-founded way. It took a long way for someone from the ruling party to say that they had disappointed the Belarusian elections.