Index – National – Passenger traffic reduced by 90%, Budapest airport is expected to send 236 people


Passenger traffic at Liszt Ferenc International Airport continues to be drastically affected by travel restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus epidemic. The expected annual passenger traffic will fall to the level of 17 years ago. The airport operator expects a decrease of around 90 percent both in the autumn and winter months, the Hungarian airline writes in a statement sent to our portal.

By August 2020, 1.15 billion air passengers had disappeared on the continent due to travel restrictions imposed due to the epidemic. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) estimates that passenger traffic at European airports will not reach pre-crisis levels in the coming years.

The Budapest airport business plan for 2020, even before the coronavirus epidemic, will not be fulfilled not only in terms of the number of passengers, but also in terms of financial indicators. The company has lost almost all of its revenue since March due to aviation stagnation, so it has introduced a series of cost-cutting measures since the spring. When the workforce was reduced in May, Budapest Airport expected traffic to pick up at a faster pace, so it planned the workforce for the expected 10 million annual passengers. He used all possible tools from employers and also participated in the government’s wage subsidy program to protect as many jobs as possible. This was previously reported in our article.

The air traffic controller, HungaroControl, for example, wants the state to guarantee them a return on their lost costs. Due to restrictions, revenues for mostly state-owned service providers have fallen dramatically since the spring. It is not known how long the closure of the border will last in the autumn, so they see the livelihood of their employees, the survival of the company at risk.

Budapest Airport Zrt., Which operates the airport, has taken all possible measures to protect jobs since the beginning of the crisis, but to ensure the efficient and long-term operation of the company and protect the remaining jobs, it is more layoffs have become inevitable.

However, by now it has become clear that the travel restrictions in place since September, as well as the slower than expected return, will result in another significant reduction in passenger traffic at Budapest Airport for months. This means that, taking into account the safe and efficient operation of the company, the Budapest Airport cannot maintain the number of employees measured for 10 million passengers, so another reduction in the number of employees has become inevitable, which it is expected to affect 236 people.
