He may not have wanted to, but Secretary of State Bence Rétvári revealed that few coronavirus tests are performed


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Tímea Szabó, a member of Parliament, asked Minister Miklós Kásler several questions in writing about the coronavirus tests. In these, the Dialogue politician was essentially curious about the size of the testing capacity in Hungary, how many tests could be performed per day if the laboratory network rose to the top.

Instead of Miklós Kásler, Secretary of State Bence Rétvári “answered” the questions. It does not show at all how many tests they were able to perform in Hungary to the maximum.

But there is a paragraph in which Rétvári writes that “in determining the daily test count requirement, the WHO recommendation should take into account that the proportion of daily positive tests should not exceed 5 percent.”

Finally a concert. Since September 11, the proportion of positive tests in Hungary has been above 5 percent every day. In other words, in the last ten days, in the increasingly widespread wave of the epidemic, little has been proven in Hungary. Even based on Rétvár’s definition. However, it would have to expand to defend itself.

It was Rétvári who previously stated that “contacting people who have come into contact with coronavirus infections is neither epidemiologically nor virologically necessary” because he said that “it is not the tests that protect us that protect us, but compliance with the standards of hygiene and epidemiological measures ”.

At the end of his current response, Rétvári had also ended his usual ending, which is about the left getting out of the common defense against the coronavirus.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see

