Kamikaze attack could blow up the Polish right


A power struggle can topple the Polish government, whose bet is: who will take Jaroslaw Kaczynski’s place at the head of the Polish nationalist right. The leader of one of the ruling coalition’s dwarf parties approached the government’s main address, the Law and Justice Command Bridge, in a plane crash late in the week, then shook his plane at the last minute.

Negotiations to reform the Polish government failed in mid-September, raising the possibility of a minority government or early elections. The fall of the government has not been long in coming, and the party is not over yet, with a power struggle in the background over who should lead the Polish nationalist right, according to an article in the Financial Times.

The crisis was sparked by hardline Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro, leader of the modestly supported Poland Solidarity party, and his party refused to vote on the Animal Rights Law.

The legislation is particularly important to Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the chairman of the great ruling party, Law and Justice (PiS), the country’s de facto ruler, but it is clear that the law has only given Ziobro a test of strength. He and his allies take an even tougher line than the government in enforcing LGBT rights and cracking down on NGOs that also receive foreign funding.

The alignment

Poland has been governed by a coalition of parties called the Right Union since 2015, which, in addition to the two parties, is also a member of the Consensus Party, also led by former Minister Jaroslaw Gowin. This group was re-elected last year, but Ziobro has ambitious goals: he wants to be the successor to Kaczynski, 71, at the head of the Polish nationalist right. To that end, his allies criticized Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki as early as the summer, saying he was too compromising, ideologically soft. The PiS president would like to see the prime minister at the head of his party if he retires.

Ziobro stands as guarantor of the ruling coalition’s right-wing commitment, says Ludwik Dorn, a close ally of the PiS president who also worked alongside the leader of the small ruling party. He and his supporters fear that Kaczynski will give them less space on party lists in the next election.

Political hunting

Ziobro is considered a ruthless politician. In the previous PiS government, including as members of Law and Justice, he was Minister of Justice and Attorney General from 2005 to 2007. He attacked everyone he understood in a series of press conferences, acting as the main persecutor of sin and violence. corruption. Your political opponents have discovered that you can mix any of them into something and expire if you want.

He was then fired from PiS in 2011 after questioning Kaczynski’s leadership. Later he founded his own party, Solidarity Poland. Before the 2015 elections, PiS needed him and his party for the majority, so he returned to power. He used this to return to the head of the Ministry of Justice and disperse all areas of the judiciary with his people, thus taking control of the entire justice system. That is why many people are afraid of it.

Small but life threatening

According to opinion polls, Ziobro’s party stands at 1.5 percent, Consensus at 1.2 percent and PiS at 35 percent. To enter parliament, you have to get five percent of the vote, so the two small parties alone don’t stand a chance. At the same time, Kaczynski did not forget that the government he led, which ran between 2005 and 2007, was overthrown by a split among the coalition partners. This paved the way for the moderate right-wing government of his nemesis, Donald Tusk.

According to the Polish media, it has emerged that Ziobro’s party will merge with PiS, which could pave the way for Kaczynski’s chair in front of him, but the President of Law and Justice wants to cede his seat to Morawiecki. The latter is more moderate than the true Polish nationalists, so he could co-rule with one of the factions of the moderate right.


According to Dorn, Ziobro suggests to Kaczynski at the end of the week: “Do you want to push me to the coast? Do you want to turn me into a puppet? Come on, try it, but I’m not going to save myself, I’m not going to put things off to overthrow the government. you with me. “Finally, at the last minute, he pulled his kamikaze machine running towards the PiS ship, claiming it was a good coalition, there were also debates in the best family, but he had to keep driving.

The story did not end there. The coalition parties discussed the future on Monday, dividing the role of the bad cop with Ryszard Terlecki, the leader of the PiS parliamentary faction, who said, if there are early elections, that Justice and Justice will go alone so that the small parties can see. what they can achieve. without an older brother. The PiS leadership had not decided what to do until Monday night: press reports said it was certain that Gowin and his party could stay, but the coalition could break away from the other small party.

In tweezers

Jaroslaw Kaczynski is a great protector of animals, which is why the government has introduced a bill that would restrict the raising of animals for their fur and would ban chained animals. Representatives of the coalition partners, and even some PiS politicians, did not vote in favor. At the same time, it was adopted by parliament with the votes of the liberals and the left. The president of Justice and Justice is in a difficult position because if they wanted to continue governing from a minority, presumably they could not approve the budget. If there were early elections, PiS would likely lose votes in the countryside, its strongest base, because animal husbandry for fur production is popular there.
