The autumn opening of parliament continues, this time opponents put questions on the agenda for Viktor Orbán. The majority demanded a free coronavirus test, and the third simply laughed at the ruling party.

The usual line of opposition in parliament to Viktor Orbán began during the immediate questions: First, the right-wing Jakab Péter asked the Prime Minister at length if he seriously thought that the people of Western Europe would flee towards us in the hope of a better standard of living.

“I really believe that the trend that we have already started will continue and I see a lot of people coming from Western Europe,” replied the Prime Minister. According to Orbán, it is not because of the standard of living that many people move from the West to Hungary, but because of the quality of life, which is not the same. “Let us be prepared for the fact that a large number of Western European Christians will come here even in our lives.”

In his reply, Jakab simply asked Orban to wake up and then let him know that on October 11 he would be awakened in the sixth Borsod constituency.

Orbán pointed out in a minute that Jobbik has no legal candidate in Borsod, and thanked Ferenc Gyurcsány for having one. He noted that László Bíró could not legally run for Jobbik, after the party was unable to nominate anyone for the provisional elections due to a formal error.

After Jakab, Ágnes Kunhalmi of the MSZP asked Orbán, bringing up the free tests already raised by Ferenc Gyurcsány: the politician said that the official price of corona virus tests for HUF 19,500 was still very high, and his question was whether Orban himself did not think about free trials.

According to Orbán, Hungary follows the WHO protocol, so the test is free if requested by a doctor. “Opinions are divided on the meaning of the tests, I think everyone who feels necessary to prove themselves, we have squeezed the profits from the tests,” said Orbán, who advocated a fair price of 19,500 HUF.

Kunhalmi mentioned financial considerations for this, saying that people had already paid for the tests through social security. Orbán, on the other hand, traced this to the fact that the test was free on medical recommendation, and then mentioned how many more health workers there are now than under the MSZP government.

This was followed by DK’s László Varju, who also wants free trials, as he believes it is free in most of Europe and mentioned a triple price premium, stressing that healthcare is not a business. Orbán replied briefly that the official price meant the test was not a business, and in his longest answer he listed the benefits that the MSZP government had taken from the people.

Erzsébet Schmuck from the LMP also asked Orbán: the co-chair asked about runaway prices, VAT reductions, possible benefits for social workers and the immediate improvement of the situation for retirees. what austerity the previous ruling party is introducing. “If the increase in pensions was less than inflation, we will raise it again,” he said about the situation of retirees.

Olivio Kocsis-Cake of the Dialogue also asked Orban when the tests would be free, and since he was the third to ask practically the same question, the pro-government MPs laughed at themselves. Kocsis-Cake mentioned why if there is no upper barrier to defense, why not free. Orbán brought up the WHO issue again, and then pointed out that the president of the Dialogue, Gergely Karácsony, who he believes has a lot of money at his disposal as mayor of Budapest, is not helping to combat the epidemic.

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Orbán: Health care must be prepared for up to 400,000 infected
At home

After Viktor Orbán’s morning rehearsal, he also spoke in parliament.

Orbán: Action groups are back
At home

The prime minister says the action groups have worked in the spring, so he is asking for their help again.