The little hero saved his father’s life, but he could no longer help his mother.


The armed murderous robbers in fact executed the mother of a six-year-old American boy, and his father was seriously injured when they were attacked in his car. The latter owes his life solely to the presence of his son’s soul.

The father, who works in roofing and sewerage in a family business, tried a job with his colleagues a few days ago when his truck got flat. He sent his employees back to the site and stayed there while his wife brought him a spare tire.

The woman arrived at the scene with her six-year-old son and was immediately seen changing wheels.
The attackers then noticed the family and began shooting the adults without precedent.The mother died from her injuries, while the father was so seriously injured that he could not call for help. His six-year-old son, who was hiding from the attackers in the back seat, noticed his father’s cell phone, from which he immediately dialed the emergency call.

The only reason for this is that the man is not dead.
