Index – National – Only one in twenty people enter Hungarian diploma training


Years ago it was heard that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National University of Foreign Relations would reorganize the national diplomatic training. The profession spoke of the ambitious plans of the two institutions: the program would have started with renowned American, British, German and even Chinese experts and active diplomats.

The two trainings of the Hungarian Diplomatic Academy began last Tuesday at the opening ceremony of the NKE, Ludsika Orsolya Pacsay-Tomassich, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Economic Affairs, said: the institution trained national diplomats. At the opening of the year, András Koltay, rector of NKE, emphasized that the task of the university is to train the Hungarian state to be educated, mentally and physically prepared students who are capable of making independent decisions in Hungary and in the world.

For the time being, both programs will start mainly with Hungarian instructors, as the coronavirus epidemic has changed the original plans.

András Koltay said that at the Index’s request, the long-term plan remains for a significant portion of the speakers to be foreigners. “We have the participation of several renowned and prestigious specialists, the teaching staff has a national coverage and the best Hungarian experts in the field participate in the training,” said the university director.

He added that if the epidemic situation does not improve, foreign speakers will only teach their classes online, but will also receive various guests in discussion forums and untrained professionals.

While six years of international or diplomatic work experience in public and state administration is a requirement for entering the Diplomatic Leadership Program, the Diplomatic Training Program is open to others. Anyone with a tertiary education and a tertiary knowledge of English and a secondary knowledge of another language could apply here.

Twenty-six of the more than 500 candidates for the Diplomatic Training Program were selected

– highlighted the Rector of NKE, who said to our question:


In the first semester of the one-year training of the Diplomatic Training Program, education is given within the framework of traditional lessons, and in the second semester students participate in internships organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. András Koltay added that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will decide on the employment of graduates based on vacancies, but the goal of the training is to allow all students to start building careers in Hungarian diplomacy.

András Koltay added that within the framework of the one-year training of the Diplomatic Leadership Training Program, twenty-five people began their studies by invitation in the person of employees of different ministries and other administrative bodies in order to deepen their knowledge related to the foreign and foreign economy.

(Cover image: Students arrive at the opening ceremony of the Hungarian Diplomatic Academy in the Ludovika Main Building, St. Ladislaus Chapel on September 15, 2020. Photo: Zoltán Máthé / MTI)
