Index – National – Traffic restrictions are taking place in various districts of Budapest due to the Super Cup match


Traffic restrictions are expected from Tuesday to Friday Budapest V., VII., VIII. and XIV. district due to the European Super Cup football match on Thursday, the Budapest Police Headquarters said on the police website.

According to the information, Apáczai Csere János street in the 5th district between Deák Ferenc street and Régi posta street will be closed intermittently and periodically starting at 5 p.m. on Tuesday.

Starting at 11 am on Wednesday, the VII. Dob utca district between Erzsébet körút and Hársfa utca, Hársfa utca between Wesselényi utca and Király utca, and Király utca between Eötvös utca and Erzsébet körút.

They will also close on Thursday afternoon from 5:00 p.m. to midnight, Dzsa György út between Kerepesi út and Thököly út, Stefánia út between Hungária körút and Thököly út, as well as Istvánmezei út, Szabó József utca, Cserei uttca, Egressy Ggressy utca, Cházár András utca, Verseny utca, Ifjúság út, Ilka utca and Jobbágy utca.

Also, V., VII., VIII. and XIV. Stops will be prohibited in many locations in the district Tuesday through Friday.
