Index – National – An investigation can be started on the finances of the Lívia Járóka association


Prosecutor Péter Polt evaluated the question posed by Ágnes Vadai, vice president of the DK, if the MEP of Fidesz Lívia Járóka had really paid her and her family members state support for the association of 35 million HUF of disadvantaged youth .

Was a part of the 35 million HUF state subsidy really for the Fidesz MEP and his family, without the actual activity, from the money he received to host and educate disadvantaged Roma youth?

He asked in a letter to Vadai Polt dated September 4.

Vadai directed his written question to the Attorney General, citing a newspaper article from August. Polt’s current response to Vadai’s letter

treating the case as a report, he referred the case to the Central Investigation Prosecutor’s Office.

Due to the 2016 support, MP Ákos Hadházy was the first to call Járóka to clarify exactly what his association, the Lívia Járóka Talent Rescue Association, was using state funds for. The amounts of HUF 25 and 10 million are the organization of Járóka

received football education for disadvantaged Roma children.

On the JALTE community page, report on the association’s goals as follows: “In addition to promoting an escape from poverty, educating for a healthy life, building a positive sense of identity, preventing crime and becoming victims, changing our attitudes and changing the conditions for a fair joy within the stadiums is also our goal. “.

As it turned out, Járóka In fact, he started a soccer program in Tiszavasvár, where some of the local vocational students could participate in soccer recovery training. However, the accounts revealed that

an important part of the support landed on Járóka and his relatives.

The positions of director, strategic director and coordinator were filled by MEPs, her husband and brother, and they also spent a significant amount of money on office rent, administration and public relations.

Debate on the election of Lívia Járóka

In the Liberal Group of the EP, there has been a communication mess about whether it is possible to vote for a Fidesz politician as Vice-President of the European Parliament.
