Tivadar Fohsz remains a member of the party, but has resigned from all other positions.

Blikk was interviewed by Tivadar Fohsz, who had previously written about hvg360 to be suspected by police of sexually abusing his adopted daughter more than ten years ago in the summer of 2018.

The girl claimed to have blown it up in a camera smuggled into her room in the 17th century. former deputy mayor of the district. His adopted daughter mentioned three cases in her confession, but Fohsz said there was no time when there were only two as it was not true that she had filmed the house to look at.

I bought the townhouse in 2008 when the end of the garden was still an open and completely free area. That’s when security professionals suggested that some kind of protective device be installed in the house, and that’s when we decided on cameras. The whole family knew the cameras. The latest security camera recordings have always been overwritten with the most recent shot after a few days. Until then, anyone inside the house could see this, because the system had external access “

He said.

He said he was unaware that intimate photos had been taken of his adopted daughter. She was able to look at the pictures to the authority and then saw that the girl was naked in the apartment or outside the house. He claims that he was the first to see these recordings.

The former deputy mayor is also on trial in Croatia. In this regard, he told Blikk that he and his wife had previously visited naturist camps in Croatia in the summer, a lawsuit was filed for the recordings made during the 2007 holidays. According to Fohsz, the Hungarian authorities found no pornographic content on they.

Fohsz said he was still a member of Fidesz, but that he resigned all other positions and no proceedings were initiated against him within the party. Earlier, Blikk also wrote that the former deputy mayor is also a member of a foundation that supports church building and an inter-city liaison foundation.

He said he has not spoken to his adopted daughter since 2016.

The portal asked Fohst if he felt he had made a mistake on something.

There are no perfect people, we all make mistakes throughout our lives. Surely if one had the knowledge that he had years later, he would have done things differently in the previous period. I think no more than any average person. But I have nothing to regret about the alleged facts because I did not commit them. “

– He said.

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According to the prosecution, Kaleta did not pay for the photographs of pedophiles

At home

According to Attorney General Péter Polt, there is no specific evidence that Kaleta paid for the recordings found on his computer. It also turned out that the Hungarian authorities did not cooperate with foreign law enforcement agencies beyond the transfer of basic data.

He could be a public Hungarian pedophile, but it is not certain that people like Kaleta understand him.

Ballai vince
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According to the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, a public list containing data on pedophile offenders can also be established in Hungary under appropriate and strict conditions. In his query response to hvg.hu, President Attila Péterfalvi added that the current criminal record is also suitable for the control of sexual abusers. This list exists in several countries in Europe, but in most cases only public authorities have access to the data. The exception is Poland, but the data of perpetrators like Gábor Kaleta are not public there either.