Brexit: a 180 degree turn can be made if the opposition is smart


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Conservative Party, which won the last election, can only be defeated by the opposition in their own run, which means they have to convince voters to Brexit better than the Conservatives. That is why the main enemy of the British government is its own possible stupidity.

Boris Johnson and his government, as well as Brexit supporters in the British Parliament, will be put to the test in the coming months. The British prime minister has embarked on a kind of Brexit disaster policy, and he and the revolutionary conservatives seem to want to reform the UK with determined shock therapy. Assuming the harsh economic consequences of the hard Brexit, they want to put the country on the path of independence, but this can only be successful if they manage to consolidate the new order, that is, they can achieve a state that the opposition does not dispute, so they cannot they may pretend they could do better Brexit, says Robert Shrimsley, national policy publicist for the Financial Times (FT).

For now, they are on the right track. Keir Starmer, the leader of the opposition Labor Party (pictured), can do nothing more than acknowledge that Johnson won the snap election in late 2019, giving him the opportunity to pursue his political vision. The move to show the government’s readiness to put in place last year’s Brexit deal, which would ensure Northern Ireland remains part of the EU single market while Britain secedes from the EU even without a free trade deal with the EU, arrives in the short term. to the voting public, most of whom want Brexit. They directly enjoy their government joining the EU.

By your own standards

According to the France Télécom publicist, the opposition must recognize the need to confront the government and the ruling party with the expectations placed on it and offer them an alternative. This is the only way for the Labor Party to win back its former voters who have sided with it because they saw that it was not sufficiently committed to Brexit. You cannot tell them that Brexit was a mistake, but they can be told that Johnson, the government and the Conservatives have changed Brexit, but the opposition has a vision of how to do it.

The current prime minister has put everything on the issue of the British exit, so the voters will judge what result he will achieve here. You have to show that Brexit is a constant success story. That is why conservatives who believe that the economic damage caused by hard Brexit will be masked by the coronavirus crisis are wrong, so they can assume that the island nation will become de facto independent by the end of the year without a free agreement. trade with the EU. The prime minister would even benefit from a very weak agreement to show that he has Brexit management on his hands.

Take it easy!

That’s why Starmer has no choice but to wait, even if frustrated Labor supporters may blame him for it. The main goal of the Conservatives is to present the opposition as a residual anti-Brexit plague. The leader of the largest opposition party has had four years to build the counter message that, under the leadership of his opponent, Boris Johnson, the Conservatives have screwed up the crown’s crisis management and have also merged Brexit. We have something to say, we just have to wait for reality to “catch up”.

If the London government cannot bind the EU agreement, it has already helped the opposition a lot. From that moment on, the latter can say that if they come to power they will do a good deal for the British. In fact, if there is – now or later – a treaty, it will always be possible to improve it, there will be areas for at least ten years in which the economic relations between the two parties can be freer. However, there is a difference between what the opposition can only promise and what it can do with the ruling party: they have stabbed, they have done wrong, they have lost the opportunity, so the grassroots need to build the economic system of an independent UK. .

I need the deal

That is why Johnson should reach an agreement with the EU. Some say he could take on a hard Brexite, and then in the next few years his government will make some kind of deal with the EU. By doing so, you show that you are defending the interests of your country like a bulldog. You can get in, but it is not known how long the free trade talks will last and the British would be in a weaker position than now that the EU continues to fight to avoid the damage caused by hard Brexit, it has not suffered this damage, so it might be easier to smooth it out.

Intending to kick off last year’s Brexit deal, Johnson muddled up the message he wanted to convey. It means that the EU is maliciously negotiating with your government, but has lost its moral superiority by floating in disregard for an international treaty. According to the author of the FT article, they say this: more than a sin, a mistake. If the EU-UK free trade agreement does not materialize in chaos and lack of time, it will send a message to the political public that the government has failed to fulfill its first Brexit promise that the exit process has been pending. in the absence of a key bilateral agreement. And the opposition can take advantage of that sentiment.
